Investigate Europe has written a series of comprehensive articles on 5G relating to health and the environment. They point out that 5G is a mass experiment. In their latest articleReal 5G issues overshadowed by Covid-19 conspiracy theories, they underscore that the critical discussion of health effects has been upstaged and buried with the current conspiracy theories about 5G causing COVID-19. Cell towers have even been destroyed by alleged conspiracy theorists.

The authors demonstrate that there is, to date, no such association between COVID-19 and 5G, however, people are hesitant now to bring up health or environmental concerns, merging these all into conspiracy theories. Respected researchers Dr. Dariusz Leszczynski, former advisor at the Finnish Radiation and Nuclear Safety Authority, and Dr. David Gee, former Senior Advisor at the European Environmental Agency, were interviewed along with Esra Neufeld, author of an important article on heat production from 5G millimeter wavelengths. Dr. Neufeld stated ,”The bad thing about 5G is that there are practically no biological experiments that show how this radiation actually affects the skin.”  The well written article concludes there is still widespread uncertainty about 5G and a lack of scientific research that demonstrates this technology is safe.

MORE INFO HERE  Science, Policy and Law of 5G, 4G and Wireless: The Health and Environment Impacts

*Top image by Alexia Barakou

See Also

5G Telelcommunications Science

5G Mobile Communications


Physicians for Safe Technology