From California Public Utilities Commission

California Smart Grid:
2018 Annual Report to the Governor and Legislature

Released February 2019

p. 29

Energy Atlas: A Geospatial Tool to Combat Climate Change

Since 2014, the CPUC has been part of a group of state and local agencies to support the development of the Energy Atlas, a geospatial analytical tool developed by UCLA’s California Center for Sustainable Communities Institute of the Environment. The Energy Atlas is the largest set of disaggregated energy data in the nation, and uses energy consumption data at the building level, combined with public records, to reveal previously undetectable patterns about how people, buildings and cities use energy. The tool helps regional planners and decision makers more effectively target energy program interventions and develop policies to mitigate and prepare for climate change. Originally limited in scope to Los Angeles County, CPUC Decision (D.)18-05-041 (Ordering Paragraph 32) directs the utilities to expand the Energy Atlas to all IOU territories statewide.101. 102

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[101] Please see the following link for the text of D.18-05-041:

[102] The Energy Atlas is a free, public tool that is available at