Chris Woollams founder of Cancer Active, UK kindly provided this powerful quote for a report released in 2010 by the International EMF Collaborative entitled “Cellphones and Brain Tumors: 15 Reasons for Concern, Science, Spin and the Truth Behind Interphone”.

Quote :

“In a world where a drug cannot be launched without proof that it is safe, where the use of herbs and natural compounds available to all since early Egyptian times are now questioned, their safety subjected to the deepest scrutiny, where a new food cannot be launched without prior approval, the idea that we can use mobile telephony, including masts, and introduce WiFi and mobile phones without restrictions around our 5 year olds is double-standards gone mad. I speak, not just as an editor and scientist that has looked in depth at all the research, but as a father that lost his beloved daughter to a brain tumour.”

MORE INFO HERE  How to Win Against 4G, 5G, EMF, Electrosmog Naysayers

Chris Woollams M.A. Biochemistry (Oxon). Editor Integrated Cancer and Oncology News (icon magazine).  CEO CANCERactive

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