The alert below was sent out to GPs said that intensive care departments in London and other parts of the UK have been treating severely sick children with unusual symptoms that may be linked to coronavirus infection. This includes flu-like symptoms. Some tested positive for the coronavirus.

The patients had similar features to toxic shock syndrome, which can include a high temperature, low blood pressure, a rash and difficulty breathing. Some also had gastrointestinal symptoms – tummy pain, vomiting or diarrhoea – and inflammation of the heart, as well as abnormal blood test results.

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Experts say these are the signs you can see when the body becomes overwhelmed as it tries to fight off an infection.

Dr Nazima Pathan, a consultant in Paediatric Intensive Care in Cambridge said, “Some of the children have presented with a septic shock type illness and rashes – the kind of presentation we would expect to see in toxic shock syndrome and Kawasaki disease (which affects blood vessels and the heart).”

Can we get anymore obvious that this is RADIATION POISONING? The doctor said it himself, “a toxic shock syndrome.”

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The alert, issued by NHS England, said there was “a growing concern” that a coronavirus-related inflammatory syndrome is emerging in children in the UK or that there may be another, as yet unidentified, infection linked to these cases.

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The Royal College of Paediatrics and Child Health (RCPCH) said parents should be reassured by this, but if they are concerned about their children’s health for any reason, they should seek help from a health professional.

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