Note #1: Outdated Results? 2G vs. Later G’s

The results are outdated, some critics say, because NTP tested old tech —2G (GSM and CDMA)— that is no longer in widespread use (see, for instance, New York Times’ story).

Results of animal experiments with 3G (UMTS) offer no reassurance, however.

Two different German labs have exposed mice to 3G. Cancer promotion was found in each case. The lead author of the second study, Alex Lerchl, concluded 3G signals “obviously enhance the growth of tumors.”

Read our report from 2015 here.

Note #2: Don’t Expect a Linear Dose-Response

Another criticism is that the exposures were much higher than those people normally encounter (see CBS News’ video).

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In a number of instances, NTP saw a stronger effect at a low dose than at a high dose —this is called a nonlinear dose-response— as was the case for brain tumors (glioma) in male rats exposed to GSM radiation:

Brain tumors NTP

Lerchl found a similar nonlinearity. Here’s a graph of lymphoma response versus radiation dose from his paper:

Lerchl NNon-Linear response

The lesson here is that RF radiation does not necessarily follow a dose-response relationship, as most toxic chemicals do. At this point, no one knows where the threshold for RF effects may be. It might be lower than now commonly believed, possibly much lower.