Exposure to mobile phone radiation is a constant for most of us. Our phone is with us all the time and is our connection to the world. Cell phones emit radio-frequency (RF) energy. When you hold your cell phone next to your head or wear it on your body, you can absorb over 50% of the transmitted RF energy. While cell phones bring enormous convenience to our lives, the possible health consequences of exposure to cell phone radiation have aroused considerable public attention and scientific debate.

It is important to take precautionary steps to protect yourself and minimize your exposure while the cell phone radiation studies continue to gather data. So how to limit your exposure to cell phone radiation? The most effective, practical and proven way to protect yourself from exposure to cell phone radiation is to use a Pong radiation protection cell phone case. If you don’t have a Pong case yet, or one is not available for your particular mobile device, I have put together the following tips for things you can do in your daily life to help protect yourself and limit your exposure to cell phone radiation.

Avoid Body Contact

Follow the phone manufacturer’s warnings found in your owner’s manual and avoid using or carrying your cell phone against your head or body at all times.  Most recommend having at least 10mm of space between you and your phone.  That means you shouldn’t keep it in your pocket and women shouldn’t keep it in their bra.

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Text More

Whenever possible, text rather than talk. When texting your phone will be likely held in your hand and further from your body.  This distance creates a much larger buffer between you and the powerful near field radiation from the phone.

Use Speaker Mode or a Wired Headset

If a call must be made, use the speakerphone or a wired headset.  When holding the phone against your head for a call you are increasing the amount of radiation your head will be absorbing.  Near field radiation from the phone is most concerning when the phone is against your body.  The speaker or wired headsets reduce the amount of near field radiation you are exposed to.

Shorter Calls

Limit the length of your cell phone conversations. This one is simple math.  Less time talking with a phone against your head equals less radiation going into your body.  Use a corded landline phone if available. Do not use a cordless phone for long conversations.

Limit Kids Cell Phone Use Time

Children should only use cell phones for emergencies or strictly in speaker mode at a safe distance. A child’s body is still developing and cell phone radiation penetrates a child’s brain more deeply than an adult brain.  Very few studies have been completed on the effect of this radiation on children’s development.

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Switch Sides of Head When Talking

Switch sides regularly during a cell phone call to reduce radiation exposure to just one side of your head.  Most of us use the same hand all the time to hold the phone when we talk.  Try to switch to your other hand and it will help so that one side of your head doesn’t always get all the radiation.

Avoid Use When Low Signal

Avoid using your cell phone when the signal is weak or when moving at high speed, such as in a car or train. These scenarios cause mobile phones to increase their transmitting power in an attempt to connect to the nearest cell tower. You get more radiation and your battery drains faster under these conditions.

Wait For Call Connection

When making a call, wait for the call to connect before placing the phone next to the ear. The phone emits the most intense radiation during the initial connection, then lowers its power once a connection is established.  A couple extra seconds will go a long ways here.

Be Careful About “Shielding” Products

Follow FTC advice to avoid using products on your cell phone that claim to “shield” cell phone emissions, because they may interfere with the phone’s signal.  This may cause it to draw even more power and possibly emit more radiation as it is working harder to communicate.  (Note:  The Pong case does not shield radiation.  Instead it redirects and redistributes radiation, to reduce your exposure.)

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Be Careful About What Case You Use

Do not use a cell phone case unless it has been proven not to increase SAR or weaken your cell phone signal. Many standard cases can weaken the cell phone’s signal, shorten battery life, or increase radiation emissions.

Use Airplane Mode

Turn your cell phone off or put it in airplane mode when not in use. If you must leave your cell phone on at night, keep your cell phone away from your head and body while you are sleeping. Your phone continues to emit radiation even when you are not making a call.