Advice on how to object against masts from Post UK 5G Mast Applications that need objections

  • The proposed mast will be obtrusive, ugly and incongruous with the surrounding character and appearance, resulting in detriment to the visual amenities of the area, as well as a harmful impact to the outlook of residential properties nearby.
  • The mast will have an imposing and overbearing impact on the amenity of the nearby area causing local residents unnecessary upset and anxiety, impacting the quality of the local area.
  • Traffic Distraction: The mast may create a visual distraction to road users, and its associated equipment cabinets would clutter and degrade the look and feel of the area.
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  • In close proximity to residences and businesses, within 500m of the proposed site, which will be subjected to high levels of radiation beaming from this mast throughout the day and night. The impact of this proposal on the health (including mental health) and well-being of residents must be taken into account, and is a material planning consideration.
  • Transmitter density required for 5G means that more people will be exposed to radio frequency electromagnetic fields (RF-EMFs), and at levels that emerging evidence suggests, are potentially harmful to health, argues Professor John William Frank, Usher Institute, University of Edinburgh. 5G uses much higher frequency radio waves than in the past and it makes use of very new- and relatively unevaluated, in terms of safety- supportive technology to enable this higher data transmission capacity, points out Professor Frank.
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  • Local authorities are expected to safeguard the quality of the local environment and some have a statutory duty to help conserve biodiversity and species protection as part of the planning process. Councillors are in a position to help preserve the natural environment for the benefit of future generations and to promote sustainability.
  • ICNIRP standards are mainly based on acute warming effects, with more than one degree of temperature increase. In several thousand studies, biological effects such as DNA damage have been shown to occur at exposure levels FAR BELOW these standards.
  • Criticism of ICNIRP by the Council of Europe: “Both the European Parliament (in its resolution 2008/2211(INI)) and the Council of Europe recommend lowering the exposure limits based on the ICNIRP opinions. The Council of Europe in its Opinion of 6 May 2011 on health risks associated with electromagnetic fields (12608)
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