Ericsson says 5G is dangerous. If you don’t believe it, see below. Look at how much more powerful 5G high frequency waves have to be than 4G.

Download the report: 5G Roll Out Impact REPORT

Imagine working or living near a #5G mast made by Ericsson. Look how powerful 5G frequency has to be so it’s effective. Ericsson say in a leaked report exclusively from Smombie Gate: “Size of exclusion zone makes 5G network roll-out a major problem or impossible.” Industry and Government response? We follow ICNIRP. ICNIRP doesn’t have guidelines when 4 of these 5G masts are within the vicinity of one another, as well as take into consideration all of the other devices, WIFI and Bluetooth buzzing around you – Isn’t that useful for the industry?

MORE INFO HERE  ⚠️ MYTH: 5G is safe ⚠️

Are you planning to buy RF, EMF and 5G shielding products over the next few months?

Created with Perfect Survey



Very large exclusion zone due to unrealistic power – may lead to substantial 5G deployment challenges
IEC 62232 (2017) and ITU-T K.100 standards open up for use of actual maximum output power (95th percentil)

Massive MIMO and beamforming:

  • More complex EMF compliance assessments
  • Potentially higher EIRP and larger EMF compliance boundaries (exclusion zones) than for conventional antennas if theoretical maximum power is used for all beams
  • Site design of increasing importance – especially in countries using limits lower that ICNIRP guidelines
MORE INFO HERE  Report: Fires and electrical problems from Smart Meters and digital utility meters

Frequency bands above 10 GHz:

  • EMF assessment methodology and standards available but need to be further refined
  • International EMF limits more conservative in the nearfield which may lead to larger compliance distances for small cell base stations


  • EMF compliance may be a challenge for 5G massive MIMO sites if assuming theoretical maximum power for all beams
  • International standards IEC 62232 and ITU-T K.100 open up for use of actual maximum power to perform realistic EMF compliance assessments
  • Statistical model to determine actual maximum power of 5G massive MIMO antennas has been developed: found to be around 25% of theoretical maximum power for 8×8 array antennas
  • In countries with EMF limits significantly below the international science-based ICNIRP limits the roll-out of 5G networks will be a major problem
  • Very large exclusion zone due to unrealistic power – may lead to substantial 5G deployment challenges
    IEC 62232 (2017) and ITU-T K.100 standards open up for use of actual maximum output power (95th percentile)


MORE INFO HERE  EHS workshop at BioEM2021: Sensitivity to EMF: The Present and The Future

5G Roll Out Impact REPORT