The negative effects of unsafe sources and levels of radiation on human bodies is undeniable. Despite this, the push to implement cell towers and wireless infrastructure on and near the spaces we consider safe and private continues to threaten our health. Listen to Courtney and Amelia Gilardi on ‘Good Morning CHD’ as they tell a story of advocacy in this otherwise “invisible” sphere of our lives.

Also listen to the powerful final comments from lawyer W. Scott McCollough at 33:00 minutes. He said: “The wireless carriers need to come out of hiding, they need to quit denying and quit saying that the FCC gives them a licence to kill, because that’s not right and we’re going to take this as far as we must in order to get the right court to declare No Verizon you can’t drive people out of their homes, you can’t make them sick, you can’t destroy their lives, you cannot impoverish them just because you want to let people watch cat video’s while walking around.”

MORE INFO HERE  ICNIRP guidelines do not protect against harmful health effects
