
1997 Boston Physicians’ and Scientists’ Petition To Avert Public Exposures to Microwaves

“We the undersigned physicians and scientists call upon public health officials to intervene to halt the initiation of communication transmissions employing ground level, horizontally transmitting, pulsed microwaves in Boston.

This form of transmission is scheduled to begin in June 1997 by the Sprint Corporation for personal communication systems (PCS). Given the biological plausibility of negative negative health impacts, particularly to the human nervous system, as well as anecdotal evidence of illness and death from such exposures in cities where transmission has already been implemented, and voluminous medical studies indicating human and ecological harm from microwaves, we urge the suspension of that implementation pending full public notification of its potential hazards and the full review and determination of its safety by the scientific community.

MORE INFO HERE  Brussels Belgium and Rome Municipality Action on Wireless 5G Antennas

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Share Source: Environmental Health Trust