From Safe Tech International

March 3, 3022

Without insects, there will be no life on earth. I realize that many if not most people don’t particularly like insects—the word conjures up images of mosquitoes, spiders, flies, or cockroaches rather than butterflies, fireflies, bees or damselflies. In 2018 Bloomberg News ran an article: “Google’s Parent Has a Plan to Eliminate Mosquitoes Worldwide. Bite. Breed. Die.” which about summed up many people’s attitudes to insects: they’re horrible, they bite or sting, they may be poisonous or spread diseases, and we don’t need them.

The trouble is, we do need insects, even mosquitoes. Life is a chain, and many creatures higher up the chain rely on the mosquito (or some other insect) for food, or eat the creatures that eat the mosquito, to be eaten themselves in turn by other creatures. We break the chain of life at our peril, because we are part of it.

In writing this paper it occurred to me: 5G has been going in around the world for some time now, but I have read hardly anything about it affecting insects, or soil, or bird migration, or animals. Hasn’t anyone else noticed? Is Greece the first country to have put 5G all over rural areas? Or are people simply not connecting the dots and continuing to blame pesticides and climate change for everything that goes wrong in nature? Because I don’t believe for a second that what’s happening here isn’t happening in other places. Something caused the bumblebee to become extinct in nine U.S. states. And birdwatcher friends are telling me that they too are seriously concerned about migration.

A big part of the problem is that no one is looking. Every day we take our dogs for a walk and see other people out walking or running, but are they looking around them? Virtually every person we see is carrying a smartphone, and more often than not they are looking at it as they go along. They might notice an elephant if it got in their way, but a bee? Or a lack of bees? They are too involved with “staying connected” to stay connected with the world in front of their eyes. If you don’t look you won’t see. If you live your life in what NY Times columnist Roger Cohen dubbed “device-distracted apathy” the world around you might as well not exist.

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I’m tired of hearing, “Wireless communications are here to stay; we can’t do without them; we can’t go back to the Stone Age.” What we cannot do without—really can’t do without— is nature. A planet with dead seas and dead land will not support us; we will die of oxygen deprivation or starve to death. Who will you call then?

Now that 5G has arrived, time is running out fast. I don’t think it’s too late to change things, but I don’t think we have much time left to do it. So I ask you—if this paper has meant anything at all to you, think seriously about giving up your wireless devices. There are other ways to communicate. Contact NGOs and ask them to add RF radiation to their list of major threats to the planet, to stop promoting smartphone apps which identify bugs or birds, and to stop tracking animals, birds and insects using wireless devices. Contact government representatives and ask them to support alternatives to wireless technology.

If you don’t care, who will? 

5G Cell Towers Cause Massive Insect Decline on the Greek island of Samos

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Diana Kordas
Ed.M, M.A.
Samos, Greece [email protected]

February 22, 2022


In 2017, a major German study found that flying insects had decreased over 75% in protected areas over the previous 27 years while ruling out climate change and pesticides. In 2021, the bumblebee was declared extinct in nine U.S. states. Insects, including pollinators, are diminishing rapidly worldwide, yet governments, NGOs, the mainstream media and even many scientists are refusing to consider the effects of Radiofrequency (RF) radiation despite an enormous body of independent scientific studies showing harm.

During recent decades, environmental pollution from RF radiation has increased substantially. Currently the fifth generation, 5G, is being rolled out worldwide. Appeals for a moratorium on 5G till proper studies are done to assess potential risks have all failed.

Besides risks to people, such as cancer, neurological disease and sterility, hazards to the environment, especially birds and insects, are a major concern. On our 31⁄2 acre piece of land on the island of Samos, we have seen a dramatic decrease of insects between 2012 and 2021. Some species of insects may be extinct and several species appear to be suffering from DNA damage.

The area where we live had little wireless radiation until 2016, when 4G/LTE networks were installed on Samos and many new cell towers were built, from which time insects and birds began to decline noticeably. A tipping-point was reached in the summer of 2021, after the installation of a new 5G cell tower directly opposite the land. This cell tower is part of a new 5G network on Samos.

Since July 2021, when the 5G network on Samos went live, insects on our land have declined between 80-90% depending on species. All orders of insects are affected. The cause of these insect declines can only be RF radiation from the cell towers. No pesticides are used in this area and nothing else can account for the sudden, severe drop in the number of insects in this place since July 2021. Small mammals, especially rodents, are also declining rapidly.

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The consequences of these declines will be far-reaching: this will affect wild plant diversity, agriculture and beekeeping. Worse, they may lead to crop failures and mass bee colony collapse respectively. Insect-eating birds will decline dramatically and may go extinct.

Frequency (i.e., wavelength) appears to be a more important factor than signal strength (power) in insect declines. Greece is using the 0.7 GHz, 3,5 GHz and 22.5 GHz bandwidths; the last of which is often classed as millimeter waves. Wherever 5G signals are present, insects have declined, whether these areas are near to or far from cell towers. Samos is rapidly losing most of its insects including its pollinators.

5G frequencies appear to be the main cause of the most recent insect declines, which are happening all over the island.