The #5G #LED Court Case against Gateshead Council has just been linked to George Soros and the UN through a report stating there’s a mental health epidemic. Have they teamed up with big biz to setup a new funeral business to cash in on proven increased death in the region?

5G technology was developed for the Military. It is used by the Military and the MOD are the ones selling frequency to EE, Vodafone, Three etc. It is being setup as the weapon it is in the battlefield without any safeguards in place.

We interviewed Mark Steele from about the matter with the intent on giving you another perspective…

Straight into the Mental Health Study funded by George Soros and Gateshead Council:

What is 5G? We know it’s a military weapons system:

Full interview:

The report on Gateshead Council’s mental health epidemic conducted by Philip Alston, a UN specialist and has direct links to George Soros, the damming report is all too conveniently pointing the blame at Universal credit, when in fact these people have been CONSTANTLY EXPOSED to toxic LED street lighting that’s ‘controlled’ by 5G arrays:

Universal credit has become a serious threat to public health, doctors have said, after a study revealed that the stress of coping with the new benefits system had so profoundly affected claimants’ mental health that some considered suicide.

Public health researchers found overwhelmingly negative experiences among vulnerable claimants, including high levels of anxiety and depression, as well as physical problems and social isolation exacerbated by hunger and destitution.

The Governments and businesses are so far behind with the research because technology is moving so fast. They simply are NOT WILLING to accept that we live in a World where we’re CONSTANTLY EXPOSED to wavelengths they say are safe for 6 minutes ONLY. Symptoms include:

  • Increased cancer risk
  • Cellular stress
  • Increase in harmful free radicals
  • Genetic damage
  • Structural and functional changes of the reproductive system
  • Learning and memory deficits
  • Neurological disorders
  • Negative impacts on general well-being in humans
  • Harmful effects to both plant and animal life
MORE INFO HERE  Cell Phone Radiation May Be Dangerous, California Health Officials Warn

Ministerial Support Team state:

“5G is a term used to describe the fifth generation of mobile communications technologies. There is not yet a common definition as this is an experimental technology that is not yet commercially available. Definitive standards are due to be agreed in 2019 and incremental deployment is expected over the following decade.
5G is likely to be deployed as part of an intricate patchwork of technologies, including advanced LTE (4G), Wi-Fi and 5G New Radio (a ‘network of networks’). Deployment will be in phases rather than all at once, and will likely vary by geography due to different demand levels and costs.”

The reality is within each one of these pictures, the Government is simply lying:

MORE INFO HERE  New paper on the risks that mobile technologies 4G WIFI 5G have on children

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WE simply DO NOT CONSENT to being ‘TESTED’ on by big businesses to maximise their revenue that is harming our babies, families, friends and family, the following is the The Nuremberg Code, doesn’t it suddenly sound feasible that THEY are not unlike the NAZIS:

  1. Voluntary consent is absolutely essential. Today, we have good clinical research practice codes and agencies that supervise research. Patients are able to exercise free choice without force, deceit or duress. Importantly, they should know exactly what will happen when they participate in an experiment. Patients must also give their consent before participation. It is also the duty and responsibility of the person who takes the consent to explain exactly what goes on during the experiment and what consequences or harmful effects there might be.
  2. The experiment should yield results that are fruitful for the good of society and unprocurable by other methods or means.
  3. The experiment should be designed and based on the results of animal experimentation.
  4. The experiment should be conducted in a manner that avoids unnecessary physical and mental suffering or injury.
  5. No experiment should be conducted where there is a reason to believe that death or disability will occur.
  6. The degree of risk should never exceed that determined by the humanitarian importance of the problem to be solved by the experiment.
  7. There should be proper preparations made and an adequate facility available to protect the subject from injury or harm, should something go wrong.
  8. The experiment should be conducted only by scientifically qualified people.
  9. During the course of the experiment, the human subject should be at liberty to withdraw. This is part and parcel of taking consent today. In the United Kingdom (UK), besides informed consent, the subject’s general practitioner has to be informed of his or her participation.
  10. The scientist in charge is responsible to stop the experiment or withdraw the subject and terminate the experiment at any stage, if there is cause to believe that continuation of the experiment could result in harm to the subject.
MORE INFO HERE  California PUC directs utilities to expand Energy Atlas — disaggregated energy data “to reveal previously undetectable patterns” online

PDFs of the Gateshead study, ICNIRP Guidelines and two FOIs:


ICNIRP RF EMF Gudielines 2018 – Smombie Gate

FOI – Smombie Gate – 5G Health Effects

FOI smombie gate 5G