Sent via Email for the attention of:

Shamim Chowdhury, (Planning Case Officer) [email protected]


EM Radiation Research Trust Chairman, Mr Brian Stein CBE

Mere Green Councillor Meirion Jenkins

Andrew Mitchell MP

2nd November 2022

Dear Shamim Chowdhury

Ref: 2022/07221/PA Mere Green Road Sutton Coldfield Birmingham B75 5BW

I formally give notice of objection against phone mast application by Cornerstone Telecommunications
for a prior notification for the installation of a 20m high streetworks column supporting 6 no. antennas, 2 no. 0.3m dishes and ancillary equipment, the installation of 2 no. equipment cabinets and development ancillary.

Cornerstone Telecommunication supplied information to offer reassurance regarding health and safety concerns. This letter of objection challenges Government and Industries claims of safety in using ICNIRP, WHO and the Stewart Report. It also provides legal cases that have successfully challenged false and outdated claims of safety.

MORE INFO HERE  Learning to Navigate a Toxin-Ridden World with Dr. Aly Cohen

The EM Radiation Research Trust calls on Birmingham City Planning, Andrew Mitchell MP, and local councillors to protect the health and safety of the local community, especially children along with protecting the local area from the visual impacts associated with the clutter associated with the ancillary works and the overpowering visual impact of a 20m high streetworks column, with supporting cabinets and ancillary equipment.

I previously lived and worked in Sutton Coldfield for 25 years and I am therefore closely connected with friends and family who live and work in this area. I received notification about the current mast application with a plea for help from friends who live in Mere Green, Sutton Coldfield.

I originally started the radiation campaign in Sutton Coldfield in 2002 with a grassroots group called SCRAM – Seriously Concerned Residents Against Masts. I have since campaigned for 20 years. I am the Director and Co-founder for the UK EM Radiation Research Trust charity. I also worked closely with Andrew Mitchell MP when living in Sutton Coldfield and hope that Andrew will object against this mast application to protect the people he is representing in his constituency.

MORE INFO HERE  Report on fire and electrical hazards of “Smart” and other digital meters – Part 3

I recently gave an interview with Dr Sam Bailey regarding 20 years of campaigning. This interview offers a snapshot regarding this long campaign and may help to offer background information. Download the trailer via You Tube:

The interview is also available to watch in full via Dr Sam Bailey’s Odysee channel:

I am deeply concerned for the residents and children who live, work, and attend the local school in Mere Green and hope decision makers will seriously consider the information contained within this letter of objection.

Continue reading: Mere Green Sutton Coldfield 5G objection Eileen OConnor Nov 2022 (002)
