A dozen reasons to object to a 5G mast in Sea Rd, Bexhill on Sea
David Gee. Nov 8th 2022

Short CV

David Gee, Visiting Fellow, Centre for Pollution Control & Policy, Brunel University, London; Fellow, Collegium Ramazzini; Scientific Expert Group, International Commission on Biological Effects of EMF. Throughout his career David Gee has worked at the interface of science and policy-making in the fields of occupational health and the environment, both in the UK with trade unions and NGOs, and as an international civil servant. Graduating in politics from York University, UK, in 1968, he worked for the AUEW, 1970-3, then at the Trades Union Congress, where he was responsible for developing and rolling out the national programme of Safety Reps 10 day training courses, 1974-78, before taking the new post, National Health and Safety Officer, at the GMB union (1978-88). He then became Director of Friends of the Earth, E &W (1989-91) before being a freelance consultant and TV consultant/presenter, eg C 4’s “Our Backyard” series. Between 1995 and 2012, when he retired at 65 he worked on Information Strategy and then as Senior Adviser on Science, Policy and Emerging Issues at the European Environment Agency (EEA) in Copenhagen. The EEA is an independent data, information and knowledge providing institution of the EU whose main clients are the European Commission, European Parliament, the Council of Ministers, Member States, and the public. Among such long term projects as eco-tax reform and eco-efficiency; scientific uncertainty & the precautionary (“foresight”) principle; children’s risks from environmental hazards; methods for evaluating evidence of potential harm; and regulatory reform, especially on hazardous chemicals  (eg the UK COSHH and the EU REACH regulations), David initiated and co-edited, with over 80 expert authors, both volumes of the influential “Late lessons from early warnings” reports (EEA, 2001, 2013), some of whose chapters he also authored, eg “More or Less Precaution?” (EEA, 2013)

MORE INFO HERE  Reduce EMFs at Home | Building Biologist Stephanie Sage Kerst on Prioritizing Health and Well being


The subject of electro-magnetic fields and 5G has been swirling round with debate and opinion and is causing concern. Lobbies and commercial interests are eager to brief the media with their reassurances, and given the role of social media, it is not easy to know which sources to trust. I have been working in the field of health hazards all my professional life and continue to follow the progress which scientists are making in analysing whether 5G is likely to cause harm. It is extraordinary, given that virtually no health studies have been carried out on 5G,  that the telecoms companies are keen to roll it out all over the country. This is an important time to take a cool look at the situation and ask questions. Particularly for decision-makers.

MORE INFO HERE  5G underwhelms in its first big test in South Korea

The main points for councillors to be aware of are:

  1. Local authorities’ planning remit for telecoms masts can include health considerations;
  2. Planning context: the proposed mast is close to a conservation area and a primary school;
  3. There are health damage liability issues for telecoms companies and local authorities;
  4. Expect some reductions in property values;
  5. The standard setting body ICNIRP guidance is out of date and unreliable on EMF health risks and “safe” exposure limits;
  6. Increased EMF exposures to the public are expected from 5G masts;
  7. Increased evidence of health effects from living near masts;
  8. Children are particularly vulnerable to EMF radiations;
  9. Increasing evidence of cancer and reproductive effects from 2-4 G exposures; no health studies on 5G – we are “flying blind”[1]
  10. The significant privacy and security risks from 5G;
  11. Increased evidence of harmful effects on wildlife; and
  12. The increased energy consumption from 5G and telecommunications: each 5G mast requires approximately 3 times more power than a 4G mast. Many more 5G masts will be required for the 5G rollout.
MORE INFO HERE  5G and Health Joel M. Moskowitz, Ph.D Grand Rounds, UC San Francisco

The evidence in this paper will throw some light on the state of the science now

Download here: Sea Rd Bexhill Mast Objections David Gee updated Nov 9th and Nov 21 2022
