ATTENTION: ALL SAN DIEGO COUNTY RESIDENTS AND VISITORS: Send this form letter (or your own version) to all five San Diego County Supervisors to let them know what is needed in the final 5G small cells ordinance they will vote on, August 7th, 2019. The San Diego County Board of Supervisors will meet on that date, starting at 9 AM, to determine the final local regulations for the 5G rollout and installation of small cells throughout the unincorporated area of the County, set to impact at least a million residents and recreational visitors, in addition to all animals and wildlife in the large region. Whether or not you live in the unincorporated area of San Diego County, which comprises at least 3/4 of the County (3572 sq. miles), or are one of its half million residents, a future resident, or one of its millions of visitors each year, you will want to ensure the health, safety, and welfare of all biological beings, not limited to humans, agricultural animals, pets, and wildlife, in the unincorporated area.

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SD County BOS Form Letter 5G Wireless Ordinance Aug 7 2019 (pdf version)

Word version available here, to amend

Share widely in San Diego County, print, fill in or amend, scan and email to all 5 Supervisors starting Aug. 1 – Aug. 6th, 2019, or fill in and mail to address on letter.

San Diego County Small Cells Wireless (SCW) Ordinances being considered Aug. 7th (to be posted on page Friday, July 26th)

SD Board of Supervisors Agenda for Aug. 7th (with associated documents, including two versions of a draft small cell wireless ordinance, to be voted on as “final”) will be available July 31 after 12 PM.

Map of Unincorporated San Diego County – in tan, incorporated areas in gray