From Mona Nilsson, The Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation, February 8, 2018


In 2017 the Public Health Agency of Sweden (Folkhälsomyndigheten) published a report on environmental health issues (Miljöhälsorapport 2017) that included a section on EMF health risks authored by Anders Ahlbom (AA) and Maria Feychting (MF), both professors at the Karolinska Institute. The report from Anders Ahlbom and Maria Feychting is grossly misleading about the available scientific evidence.

Members of ICNIRP

Anders Ahlbom and Maria Feychting dominated all expert evaluations on health risks from low frequency electromagnetic fields and radiofrequency radiation from wireless technology for a decade in Sweden (2003-2011). Furthermore they have been or are still experts to the WHO (MF 2015-2018), the EU (AA 2007, 2009), UK (MF), Norway (MF). They are both also partly responsible for the standards (or reference values) that most countries apply for limiting exposure to electromagnetic fields ICNIRP (AA 1996-2008), MF (2008-now). In all their statements and reports health effects below their own recommended standards from ICNIRP have been dismissed. In 2008 the Karolinska Institutes ethical board draw the conclusion that Anders Ahlboms membership in ICNIRP might be considered as a conflict of interest and therefore should be declared whenever he made any statements related to the issue of health effetcts from electromagnetic fields.

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Ties to telecommunications industry

Both receive funding from the telecommunications industry for research. Their statements and reports have consistently during the last 15 years been biased in favour of the telecommunications, IT, and electricity industry’s interest. SNIP

Read the full report here


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