May 2020 BioInitiative Submission to FCC Docket 19-226: Human Exposure to Radiofrequency Electromagnetic Fields A Proposed Rule by the Federal Communications Commission.

Read the full submission on the FCC website HERE. 

A filing submitted on behalf of the BioInitiative Working Group by:

  • Dr. David O. Carpenter, M.D.
    Director, Institute for Health and the Environment University at Albany Rensselaer, NY
  • Dr. Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD, Professor,
    Department of Oncology, Faculty of Medicine and Health, Örebro University, SE-701 82 Örebro, Sweden (retired)
  • Cindy Sage, MA, Co-Editor, BioInitiative Reports Grass Valley, CA

“The BioInitiative Working Group opposes increasing public safety limits radiofrequency radiation for 6G and above (to 100 GHz) on the basis that scientific evidence has already established harmful health effects from those frequencies already in common use (800 MHz to 4G).”

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More excerpts

“The need for new and lower RF safety guidelines has been established.

It is apparent no amount of high quality evidence submitted to the FCC is going to be judged by them to be adequate for safety guideline changes.

Even results from the US government’s own research program (NTP) are omitted from consideration. It established the last necessary leg of proof (clear evidence of cancer in animal toxicity studies performed by the National Toxicology Program, National Institutes of Health).

It must be concluded from the actions here that no amount of evidence will compel the FCC and a complicit FDA to recommend lower radiofrequency radiation guidelines.

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As official agencies of the United States government, the FCC and the FDA continue to misinform and deceive the public with outdated and inadequate advice on their websites, and continue to give a false assertion of safety to wireless products in common use. Such reckless abuse of power is an offense to all people who rely on, or are governed by decision-making at the FCC and FDA.”

Read the full submission on the FCC website HERE. 

BioInitiative to the FCC: Scientific Evidence has Already Established Harmful Health Effects