
Posted by the Food and Drug Administration on Jan 19, 2022

I am the Director of a non-profit organization called Canadian Educators for Safe Technology. We have teacher advisors representing provinces across Canada. There are teachers across Canada who have experienced debilitating heart (Arrhythmia/heart failure), or brain (MS, Migraine) symptoms from wireless microwave radiation exposures in the workplace. I have a medical diagnosis: Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity. I have an intolerance to electromagnetic fields in the microwave range. All sources emitting Bluetooth or cellular signals negatively impact me with debilitating symptoms that can last for days. When I am not exposed to these wireless radiation triggers, I feel healthy. I love the outdoors, skiing, skating, sailing, hiking, etc. and I am supported by my family and friends. They use wired cell phones and wired devices around me to accommodate my disability. Discrimination in the workplace is prevalent and without wired accommodations and airplane mode cell phone/device policies, Electromagnetically Sensitive (EMS) people become unemployed and unable to function or participate in their communities. Many are forced out of their homes to live in cars and become separated from their families. My husband is a Professional Engineer (P.Eng.), my daughter is an Environmental Engineer and my son is a Web designer. We love technology! At home our technology is wired. Their cell phones are forwarded to our 4 landline phones. Wired tech is a simple solution and provides superior speeds/data privacy/energy & cost efficiency. Please see my attached my presentation to the Women’s College Hospital Medical Symposium, which provided medical accreditation to medical practitioners. Thank you kindly for supporting Electromagnetic Disabled people in the workplace and in their communities. Shelley Wright

MORE INFO HERE  IARC Monographs programme -Nomination of Agents
Share Source: Environmental Health Trust