
Clinical Conference for Medical and Health Professionals

 on Electromagnetic Radiation 

September 6-8, 2019   

The first major US medical scientific conference for health care providers discussing the health effects of electromagnetic radiation will be held in a retreat center in Scotts Valley, California USA September 6-8, 2019.


Read news recent coverage of the conference at MAISON “Medical experts featured at upcoming electrohypersensitivity conference.”

Medical Continuing Education Credits: CME credit will be given to physicians and physician assistants through the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) for a maximum of 16 Category 1 CME units. Other health professionals such as psychologists, nutritionists, nurses, and social workers can often get CME or CEU credit but please check with your State Board to confirm.

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Experts from around the world will focus on different aspects of wireless radiofrequency radiation (RFR) from a variety of sources, including cell phones, cell towers, Wi-Fi Routers. The mechanisms of harm will be presented as well as basic science and epidemiologic studies related to adverse health effects of RFR, including cancer, reproductive harm, neurologic harm and electrosensitivity.  This will be particularly useful to physicians and other health professionals who have not yet had the opportunity to hear directly from experts who have witnessed the health impacts of wireless technology and treated patients for these conditions. Speakers will present their perspectives based on scientific evidence.

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The conference was originally initiated and inspired by William J. Rea MD (1935-2018), a pioneer in the evaluation and treatment of electrosensitivity. After Dr. Rea’s passing in August of 2018, a commitment was made to produce the conference in partnership with the leading practitioners and organizations that have been working globally to provide credible research, education and awareness in the area of exposure to cell phone and other wireless radiation.

Early Bird registration until June 28, 2019 is $525.00 and thereafter is $695.00. Late registration after August 24, 2019 is $795.00.

To view the conference schedule and speakers as well as register, go to

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Please share flyer below.


Clinical Training for Medical and Health Professionals: EMF’s and Health