On March 5th, 2019 many citizens of Danville stood up and spoke against Verizon and the Town Council listened! The Danville Town Council voted 4-1 to deny a land-use permit for Verizon, the lone dissenting vote came from Vice Mayor Karen Stepper. SPEAKING UP DOES MAKE A DIFFERENCE! When the slew of applications come around again – the neighborhoods affected NEED to stand together!

IT IS NOT OVER yet. Now is the time we must keep the ball rolling and support our town and future! As you can see from the video, we have a wonderful lawyer, Anita Taff-Rice, representing Danville citizens. And we need help with funding her representation. PLEASE contribute as much as you can: https://www.gofundme.com/StopVerizon5G

MORE INFO HERE  Phonegate Alert invited to the International conference Stop 5G at the Italian Parliament
