Source: “What is 5G and why do we care”, Timothy Schoechle, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, National Institute for Science, Law and Public Policy. June 22, 2019


Despite all the media advertising, journalistic gloss, and industry bravado, 5G wireless has encountered a growing number of problems at local, state, national, and international levels.

  1. Lagging industry investment
  2. Carrier reliance on coerced subsidization by local communities
  3. Trade war turmoil, especially regarding China
  4. Complaints over cyber-security risks and state spying
  5. Public health concerns over RF radiation risks.
  6. Trump’s attack on Huawei and on China
  7. Google’s Trump disruption of the Android ecosystem
  8. Qualcomm’s loss of FTC antitrust challenge over its patents
  9. NYT fake news story attack against radiation complaints blaming Russia
  10. Safety concerns over mm waves and lack of research on large scale health effects
    (i.e., public as guinea pig)
  11. Mounting widespread local grassroots opposition
  12. Court challenges to state and federal preemption by cities, associations, and environmental groups
  13. Incomplete spectrum allocation
  14. Cost of spectrum and lack of cooperation among telecom operators
  15. Internal industry squabble over “5G” misrepresentation (e.g., AT&T’s “5Ge”)
  16. Incomplete technical standards
  17. Huawei’s patents on key 5G technology and standards (e.g., 2300 Huawei 5G patents)
  18. Huawei’s prominence in the standards setting process
  19. Dearth of equipment and phone manufacturers (dependency on China)
  20. Uncertainties over mm wave propagation characteristics and performance
  21. Lack of credible applications requiring 5G
  22. Lack of real need for 5G
  23. Emerging public concerns over privacy, security, and surveillance
  24. Emerging public concerns over smartphone social and political dysfunction
  25. Conflicts with NOAA satellite earth data collection systems
MORE INFO HERE  Preet Kaur Gill MP “They objected, I objected, and the Council rejected the application. But the mast has gone up regardless.”


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