
The article “Radio Frequency Regulations Unchanged Despite Environmental, Health Hazards” was just published in Energy and Environment Leader on February, 21, 2024 by Sydney Leimbach on the need to stregthen regulations on wireless radiofrequency radiation due to mounting evidence of health and environmental effects.

Research compiled by the Environmental Health Trust indicates that radio frequencies, or electromagnetic radiation from 4G and 5G networks, may pose a serious threat to wildlife and human health, particularly as it remains largely unregulated in the United States.

In a recent interview, Dr. Devra Davis, former Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) panelist and CEO of the Environmental Health Trust, explains that 5G networks, although marketed as an energy-saving requirement for improved wireless connectivity, have been found to maintain a host of environmental costs. Research studies, ranging from investigations of 5G’s effect on honeybee productivity to its detrimental effect on plant growth, indicate a need to further explore potential damages associated with wireless radiation.

The article details the impacts of wireless to wildlife, especially pollinators, the lax government regulations, increased energy consumption and waste caused by 5G and the call for improved standards in the U.S.

“The 5G frequency resonates exactly with the body of the honeybee, which is an indication that it can be damaging to them,” says Davis. “We know that pesticides are a key contributor to the decline of honeybees, but another major contributor could well be wireless radiation.”

Read the full article Radio Frequency Regulations Unchanged Despite Environmental, Health Hazards in Energy and Environment Leader.

MORE INFO HERE  Broadband and the road to 5G – Committees – UK Parliament

Learn more about wireless and wildlife. 

Share Source: Environmental Health Trust