On Wednesday, September 25 at 11am PT/2pm ET Collaborative for Health & Environment hosts Dr. Joel Moskowitz for a discussion about Health Hazards of Wireless Technologies: What do we know now?

Wireless technologies, including cell phones, wireless internet, and bluetooth devices have become ubiquitous in our lives. Most adults in the US own a cell phone, and cell phone use is widespread among children and adolescents. Yet the preponderance of scientific evidence shows adverse health effects from the radiofrequency radiation used and generated by these devices. Dr. Moskowitz will provide a brief overview of recent studies on health hazards of wireless technologies, including the state of the evidence on links to children’s brain cancers, thyroid cancers, and other health hazards. This discussion will provide an introduction to a subset of recent scientific evidence, with a focus on cancer and children’s health.

MORE INFO HERE  Request for Investigation of Conflicts of Interest at the FDA RE Dr. Jeffrey Shuren on Cell Phone Radiation

RSVP here.

https://ehtrust.org/health-hazards-of-wireless-technologies-what-do-we-know-now-dr-joel-moskowitz/ Source: Environmental Health Trust