Dear friends,

We would have very much liked to be with you today for this wonderful event that you are organizing today in Rome. We are wholeheartedly behind you in your action, to which we wish you every success. Italy is among the countries at the forefront of action to protect the health of mobile phone users. We would like to acknowledge Dr. Fiorella Belpoggi, a courageous scientist who works tirelessly within the Ramazzini Institute to set up independent scientific studies. But also, the lawyer Stefano Bertone, for his commitment to ensure respect for the rights of victims and patients linked to telephone waves. The historic success of APPLE’s action to condemn the Italian state to launch an information campaign on the health risks associated with mobile phones has been hailed worldwide. Giving hope to all those who act for the health of all.

MORE INFO HERE  “Manmade Electromagnetic Fields...

The Italian national television station RAI 3 was also the first to report in November 2018 on the program Report on the Phonegate scandal. Congratulations again to Italy for this and to the journalist Lucina Paternesi!

With the revelations of the Phonegate scandal, we now know that manufacturers have knowingly overexposed the 6 billion mobile phone users for 30 years in an acute and chronic way, putting their health at risk. And this with the complete complacency of international regulators. The evidence is now known and as for Dieselgate the international mobilization is taking place. We were in Barcelona on February 25 at the opening of the Mobile World Congress to ask manufacturers to withdraw more than 250 of the best-selling and most risky models for users.

MORE INFO HERE  Campaigners oppose ‘urgently needed’ 5G mast in Hove

In such conditions of deception of consumers, and at a time when these same industrialists want to flood the planet with millimetre waves with 5G technology, we cannot, we must not trust them. So thank you to journalist and friend Maurizio Martucci for organizing this meeting to refuse to let us become the test subjects of this new technological order. I say to you that we hope to come to Italy soon to strengthen our international cooperation.

Dr. Marc Arazi
President Alert Phonegate
