Letter available to download here and copied below.  Letter sent to Bill Esterson MP calling for Local Authorities to have more power in the planning process and to also call for health to be taken into consideration

Dear Bill Esterson,

I am currently helping concerned citizens in Birmingham to object against a phone mast that was overturned by the Planning Inspectorate and has now gone up despite objections from residents, Preet Gill MP, and Birmingham City Council.  The decision may even be unlawful due to the Planning Inspectorate accepting an ICNIRP certificate containing details of a company that no longer exists.  I have called for a full investigation.

The Planning Inspectorates decision is reckless in my opinion as outlined in my letters of complaint sent to the Planning Inspectorate and Ministers responsible for the Department for Levelling Up, Housing & Communities.  Here is the collection of letters of complaint sent on behalf of the EM Radiation Research Trust dated 8th, 9th and 15th November: https://www.radiationresearch.org/news/em-radiation-research-trust-calls-for-5g-on-war-lane-harborne-birmingham-to-cease-and-desist/

MORE INFO HERE  The book Phonegate in English is released today

The Planning Inspectorate responded on 20th November saying they will investigate my complaint in accordance with Complaints Procedures. Birmingham City Council are also investigating my complaint which is at stage one.

Preet Gill MP thankfully sent a letter to the Secretary of State regarding the phone mast on War Lane, Harborne, Birmingham calling for the Local Authorities to have more power in the planning process.  Tweet by Preet Kaur Gill MP: “Many constituents have contacted me about a 20m 5G mast in War Lane, Harborne. They objected, I objected, and the Council rejected the application. But the mast has gone up regardless. I asked the Govt why LAs don’t have powers to decide where these masts are placed ” https://twitter.com/PreetKGillMP/status/1727718347771392268

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I hope you can also write to the Secretary of State and support Preet Gill in her call for Local Authorities to have more power in the planning process and to also call for health to be taken into consideration.  Residents in your constituency are facing similar issues.  I have supported many people objecting against phone masts in Crosby, Southport, Bootle, and Liverpool. This city also has the biggest 5G mesh network in the UK, the second largest in the world, without any public consultation or consent.  This is not an achievement to be proud of. Who is responsible for this decision?  https://liverpool5g.org.uk/

Five recently published case studies are now demonstrating 5G rapidly caused harmful health effects.   https://www.radiationresearch.org/news/fifth-case-study-shows-5g-rapidly-caused-harmful-health-effects-published-18-november-2023-by-radiation-protection/

Research has shown significant adverse health effects for people living near masts that emit radiofrequency radiation.  Here is a link to a list of peer-reviewed scientific studies of human health around mobile phone masts as of the end of 2020.  Out of 33 studies, 32 report health problems. https://www.radiationresearch.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/01/scientific-studies-of-human-health-around-mobile-phone-base-stations.pdf

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The protection of public health is priority!

Thanks for your attention to this important issue that is affecting us all and requires urgent attention.

Kind regards

Eileen O’Connor

Director EM Radiation Research Trust

