EHT and several other international experts recently sent a 17-page letter to U.S. Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona informing the Secretary of the D.C. Circuit judgment in Environmental Health Trust et al. v the FCC and the need to protect children. We included our recommendations to eliminate unnecessary sources of non-ionizing radiation on school property in order to reduce the health risk to students and staff from cell phones, Wi-Fi and other electromagnetic radiation exposures.

“We are opposed to the field testing of 5G technology in schools. The wireless industry has long pushed Wi-Fi in schools nationwide and is now proposing expanding 5G into classrooms, arguing that ‘augmented reality’ and ‘virtual reality’ are ‘essential tools’ in classrooms. …

MORE INFO HERE  Case Report: Illness After 5G Antennas on Rooftop

“Electromagnetic radiation exposure presents occupational health issues for teachers and staff, which are especially critical for those who are pregnant or have medical conditions. Yale research found thyroid cancer to be associated with cell phone use in people with genetic susceptibility. Prenatal radio-frequency radiation exposure led to higher hyperactivity, poorer memory and altered brain function in mice, corroborating prior published research findings of altered brain development after exposure. …

“We recommend the Secretary of Education provide nationwide guidance on best practices to reduce non-ionizing electromagnetic exposures in schools and colleges.”

The letter is signed by Devra Davis, PhD MPH, Lennart Hardell, MD PhD, Anthony B. Miller, MD, David O. Carpenter, MD, Theodora Scarato, Tom Butler, PhD MSc, Claudio Fernández Rodríguez, Alvaro Augusto de Salles, PhD, Paul Héroux, PhD     

EHT has sent letters to the Department of Education for nearly a decade calling on each new administration to take action to protect children. We hope you will download this letter and share it in your community and with your school administrators. Source: Environmental Health Trust