Smart meters are costing us money, privacy and our health and safety!

When? End of September 2022

Sebastopol banned smart meters in 2013 for “matters of public health, safety and consumer protection…” They included a $500 fine for installation! The city has repeatedly defended against PG&E’s attempts to further deploy smart meters here. In 2019 the city cited the smart meter ban in defense of Fircrest Senior Mobile Homes. PG&E complied and installed all analog meters.

Many people in Sebastopol are receiving letters from PG&E stating they will put a smart meter on your home unless you pay PG&E to opt out. 

Residents in several low income, senior and multi-unit high density housing complexes are organizing against the smart meters. Years ago, both Fircrest and Burbank Homes and Gardens had submitted signed petitions with several hundred signatures from the majority of residents at both communities saying they don’t want the meters.  In consideration of the health effects on other people one resident recently wrote:

“We’re a small community so if even one person has a genuine health problem with them, we should oppose them.”

Why is PG&E threatening NOW? Maybe it’s because Sebastopol plans to install smart water meters in September!  Last year the Sebastopol city council ignored their own laws and General Plan goals and purchased smart water meters. EMF Safety Network proposed a solution. The council has not compromised, even though the company that sold the water meters DENIED the claim that the meters saved water, energy and green house gas emissions. 

MORE INFO HERE  EMF and your Immune System: How Radiation Harms Your Health

We need Sebastopol to save the legacy analog meters and to defend, uphold and renew the smart meter ban to protect public health and safety. 

PG&E smart meters and smart water meters emit pulsed EMF (electromagnetic fields) radiation. Peer-reviewed studies show health impacts of smart meters include sleep problems, headaches, nausea, anxiety, heart palpitations, tinnitus, concentration and memory problems, dizziness, immune and nervous system problems, and more. The World Health Organization classifies EMF radiation as a possible carcinogen, same as DDT and lead.  Vulnerable groups include people with compromised immune systems, environmental sensitivities, medical implants, children, seniors and nature!

MORE INFO HERE  Italy’s Strict RF Standard at Risk (Microwave News)

Symptoms After Exposure to Smart Meters Ron Powell PhD

Letter from Dr. David Carpenter on smart water meters.

“It is time to recognize ambient EMF as a novel form of pollution and develop rules at regulatory agencies that designate air as ‘habitat’ so EMF can be regulated like other pollutants.”

Other expert quotes:

The following is a compilation of reports from the US , Australia and Canada about fires, explosions, electrical problems or burned out appliances due to Smart Meter installations.  For a summary of the problems, read this:

Presentation at California Conference of Arson Investigators in 2020.

Direct testimony of Norman Lambe

According to PG&E, 40% of Sebastopol currently has smart meters. PGE says they will advise residents that they can opt out by paying additional fees. We believe the fees are “coercion by exaction” a form of extortion. $75 initial fee and $10 a month for 3 years. Low income $10 initial fee and $5 a month for 3 years. Opting out doesn’t protect people, especially multi-unit communities.

MORE INFO HERE  Save US Now Newsletter In The Day Of Our Lord 13 April 23


Contact the City of Sebastopol and ask them to save the analog meters and to defend, uphold and renew the smart meter ban to protect public health and safety. 

Call 707-823-1153 Email: [email protected]

Post this do not consent sign on your gas and electric meters.

Circulate this current flyer. PG&E Smart Utility Meters flyer 

Dr. Ronald Powell: “Smart Meters are a community concern”