Peer-reviewed studies show that wireless radiation harms bees, birds, and humans. In 2018 Newsweek reported “Technology is quite literally destroying nature” and 5G could make it even worse. Click on the flyer below to learn more, and then TAKE ACTION! What is 5G? See this fact sheet.


  1. Contact your local, state and federal representatives. See letter template and how to find your representatives below.
  2. Reduce your wireless use. See this brochure.
  3. Download and share the Stop 5G bee flyer, and use this flyer (best when printed on bright yellow paper) to post on telephone and light poles in your neighborhood where 5G could be installed. 
MORE INFO HERE  Project Censored 2019 yearbook: “How Big Wireless Convinced Us Cell Phones and Wi-Fi are Safe” is 4th top story

Suggested letter template

Dear ______________________,

The science is in:  EMFs are harmful to nature. I am calling on you to stop 5G to protect bees, birds and humans! 5G requires significantly more cell towers which will increase involuntary exposure to wireless radiation in our communities. There is no scientific evidence to support any claim of 5G safety! (1) Scientists and public health experts from around the world are calling for a moratorium on 5G.(2) 

In 2018 Newsweek reported: “Technology is quite literally destroying nature, with a new report further confirming that electromagnetic radiation from power lines and cell towers can disorientate birds and insects and destroy plant health. The paper warns that as nations switch to 5G this threat could increase.” (3)

MORE INFO HERE  “Clear Evidence” of Cancer Risk, Say Pathologists (NTP)

Peer-reviewed studies show worker bees did not return to their hives because of wireless radiation, which led to a colony collapse. (4) Radiation impacts on wild birds documented nest abandonment, plumage deterioration and death. Lab studies of chick embryos documented heart attacks and death. (5) In 2019 the Swiss environmental group Pro Natura reported 5G increases the body temperature of insects. (6)

The 30 million dollar, ten year US National Toxicology Program study found clear evidence of cancer from exposure to wireless radiation. (7)

The telecommunication industry’s unbounded profit motive should never outweigh safety. Communications are safer using wired and corded connections. Stop 5G!

MORE INFO HERE  Parent poll on smartphones — March 2024

Sincerely,  [your name and address]

How to find your representatives