In a decision handed down on 30 September 2019, the judges of the Council of State followed te recommendations of the public rapporteur and rejected Dr Marc Arazi’s appeal against the decision of the Melun Administrative Court handed down on December 28, 2018.

The National Frequency Agency (ANFR) is therefore, for the time being, confirmed in its decision not to have published the original (i.e. before any modification) and full mobile phone test reports.

We note with the greatest misunderstanding this position of the highest authority of French administrative justice. We would like to reiterate our full support to our President, who had launched these actions in his personal capacity, having initiated the launch of the alert in July 2016.

MORE INFO HERE  Phonegate Alert Ready to Take Legal Action against ANFR’s Failings

For Attorney Laurent Goldman who represented Dr. Marc Arazi:

“This is a disappointing decision, which is the result of a formal reading of the provisions of the Environmental Code, without taking into account the high public health stakes. »

For Dr. Arazi:

“Obviously, this is a real disappointment because there is a real issue of transparency here. We will continue to fight to bring out the whole truth in this new health and industrial scandal.”
