Medical Recommendations

The American Academy of Pediatrics has written the federal government calling for better regulations in regards to wireless radiation. They recommend that families reduce wireless radiation exposure stating “avoid carrying your phone against the body like in a pocket, sock, or bra. Cell phone manufacturers can’t guarantee that the amount of radiation you’re absorbing will be at a safe level ” and “If you plan to watch a movie on your device, download it first, then switch to airplane mode while you watch in order to avoid unnecessary radiation exposure.” 

Actions by Parents and Teachers 

  • Several school districts (Petaluma, Montgomery County) have policies that tablets and notebook computers should be on tables (not laps)—prompted by parents raising the health issue of Wi-Fi in school.
  • The Los Angeles school district prohibits school cell towers and has set a wireless exposure limit that is 10,000 times lower than FCC limits, recognising the existence of biological effects. 
  • The Massachusetts Breast Cancer Association has released an educational curriculum  for students, elementary through high school. 
MORE INFO HERE  Electromagnetic Radiation Safety: Berkeley Cell Phone “Right to Know” Ordinance

Government Recommendations

The Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe passed Resolution 1815 “The Potential Dangers of Electromagnetic Fields and Their Effect on the Environment,” which calls on European governments to “take all reasonable measures” to reduce exposure to electromagnetic fields “particularly the exposure to children and young people who seem to be most at risk from head tumours…and particularly in schools and classrooms, give preference to wired Internet connections, and strictly regulate the use of mobile phones by school children on school premises.”  

In 2019, Oregon passed SB283, directing the Oregon Health Authority to review scientific studies of health effects of wireless and the Maryland State Children’s Environmental Health And Protection Advisory Council issued first ever state recommendations for reducing wireless exposure in schools. 

MORE INFO HERE  Did you know Wi-Fi Hurts Rabbits?

Cyprus, France, French Polynesia and Israel have banned wireless in kindergarten and restrict wireless in elementary schools. Read MORE. Source: Environmental Health Trust