Do you ever wonder what our knowledge on RF-EMF and health would be if some promising science projects would not be terminated…

Every now and then, one can hear about scientists whose projects were terminated prematurely, for a variety of reasons, not always scientific. I was one of such scientists where my progressing project on effects of RF-EMF exposure on proteome of human volunteers was terminated, first by telecom’s dislike of it and later by my colleagues’ dislike of it… We may speculate that the knowledge of RF-EMF-induced changes in expression and activity of proteins in human body would be much further now if our pilot project published in 2008 that was assured by my then bosses to have institutional funding guaranteed, would be permitted to continue till now instead to be abruptly terminated in 2012 (via e-mail to me while working at Swinburne UT in Australia… Nice to dream and wonder and… get annoyed and upset at the scientific small-mindedness of some people…

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Another similar story is this… Following publication of my review of the to-date performed research on electromagnetic hyper-sensitivity (EHS) I have received an interesting message from Quirino Balzano, ( known for friends as “Q” (no relation to 007’s Q).

Q wrote today, July 10, 2021, to me (published with permission from Q):


Hi Dariusz.

I agree with you that there is a need to explore the cause(s) of EMF hypersensitivity. I started looking in the matter in the early 1990’s by locking myself and a hypersensitive person in a Faraday cage with 140 dB attenuation. My cell phone could not receive any signals, but my test person continued to hear or feel the RF EMF.  Had to abandon this research, shortly after the first trial, because of pressing cell phone technology issues. 

The matter should be investigated for two reasons:

  1. It could disturb the mental health of some people.
  2. If these persons can detect such small signals, we should find their physical-biological receivers, if they exist, and use them in the cell phones.

The overall RF in the environment could be dropped by a factor of 100 dB, an enormous saving of emitted RF power and costs to the cell phone industry”

I have no additional information to share as the project was short lived.

Take care, Q.


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For those curious, as per the CV of Q on the website of the IT’IS Foundation, in 1990’s Q was working for Motorola in USA:

“…In 1974, he [Q] joined Motorola, Inc., Plantation, FL. In 1987 he became Vice President of the technical staff and in 1993 Corporate Vice President and Director of the Florida Research Laboratories. He retired from Motorola in February, 2001…”

Let us again speculate, in our minds, where the knowledge on human sensitivity to RF-EMF would be if the Faraday’s cage experiments of Q would have continued…

Sweet dreams and bitter regrets to all of us…

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Between a Rock and a Hard Place – Dariusz Leszczynski