On March 4, 17, the city council of Bern, Switzerland, granted Swisscom a general license to install 100 mini mobile phone antennas in manhole covers.

Since transmission power below 6Watt ERP does not require a building permit, the population would probably have never heard of this coup if the association Gigaherz.ch had not intervened with the local council and required an urgent measure to label these roof lids as mobile antennas.

Picture above: The radiation detectives from Gigaherz.ch. on October 17, 2018 along the way with the Berner Zeitung. Left André Masson right Hans-U. Jakob. Between Bärenplatz and Waisenhausplatz, a manhole cover radiates alarmingly. 80 cm above ground with 18V / m and 40 cm above ground with 36V / m. This at a frequency of 2600MHz. The official limit for permanent residence at this frequency is 6V / m and for short-term stays only 61V / m.

The experts of Gigaherz.ch let already in March 17 the local council know that 30cm above the manhole covers an E-field strength of 30V / m rule, which could be life threatening infants. If the Mum unknowingly left the buggy including baby in it, just above the Park manhole cover to chat with a friend for a long time.

The situation could become extremely dangerous if the paramedic police made a pacemaker carrier (with implanted defibrillator) transportable over a radiant manhole cover after a traffic accident. Such pacemakers interpret strong cell phone radiation as, for example, ventricular fibrillation and begin most inconveniently with resuscitation. And anyway, all those who have to work near a shiny manhole cover, for example, in street cafes or even marketers and flower vendors have a right to know where they should not spend a long time.

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Picture above: CLEARLY STATES – “DO NOT STAND.” The general license for the installation of 100 ground antennas, camouflaged as a manhole cover, contained the requirement to mark these as mobile radio antennas.

What Swisscom devised together with the antenna manufacturer Kathrein to comply with this requirement is captured in the above picture and clearly shows the unreasonableness and the intention to deceive the people. A ridiculously small font of 8×3 cm with the English text “Do not stand” and an antenna symbol next to it. Without kneeling undecipherable and who the English language at all powerful, will hardly be able to recognise why he or she just should not be here. Maybe sitting on the floor or lying down is allowed

After all, the municipal council of the City of Bern then did not quite accept this solution and because Swisscom and Kathein staunchly refused to create something useful, the matter itself was taken by the hand.

Picture above: In the case of what we discovered… nervous laughter. Together with plaques for the valves and shut-off valves for water and gas pipes, a plaque for the manhole cover antenna is now also attached to the house walls. Top yellow for gas, then 3 blue for water and bottom grey for the ground antenna. The RF info is picture is in the grey sticker: 5.0 and 1.3 mean that 5 m (five metres) to the left of the viewer and 1.3 m from the house facade is a manhole cover antenna located in the floor. The ground antenna is not located in the manhole cover in the foreground on the left, but 5 m away on the left behind the fire hydrant. Holy sack of straw!

How should the passer-by or a concerned mother and family realise that they have parked their buggy and baby on a mobile phone antenna when the billboard is 5 m away? Or do you think a medical policeman who takes care of a seriously injured person would have the time within a radius of 5 m first to search for a grey plaque to make sure that he does not additionally lay the accident victim on a radiant lid? And which non-technician can interpret these numbers?

This thing has not only brought Gigaherz.ch on the palm, but also the editors of the Berner-Zeitung, which devoted in its Saturday edition of October 20, 18 this tragedy comedy a whole double page including hanger on the front page.

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Picture above: The Bernese newspaper was friendly. The civil engineering department of the city of Bern helped us find the locations of the 36 already built, disguised as manhole cover ground antennas and to publish in a graph. Thank you very much!

The final word in this case is far from being spoken.

Published by Gigaherz.ch on 23.10.2018

Further report in German here: https://www.gigaherz.ch/sommerlacher-2018-nr-1/

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