PRESS RELEASE“TechSafe Schools” Aims to Reduce
Student Exposure to Wireless Radiation

Team of Expert Attorneys Advises School Officials
to Take Steps to Avoid Potential Liability

(New York) A team of distinguished attorneys with experience in telecommunications and tort litigation has sent a letter to several hundred public and private schools in the Northeast, notifying school administrators of the potential for legal liability if they fail to take steps to protect the health and safety of students under their care by reducing exposure to radiofrequency radiation (“RF radiation”) emitted by wireless networks, laptops, tablets and other wireless devices. The letter is one part of a multi-pronged advocacy initiative known as TechSafe Schools, which provides school administrators with recent scientific studies documenting harm from exposure, and includes detailed technical instructions for school IT personnel to mitigate exposures.

“Decades of research have demonstrated how chronic exposure to RF radiation can impact human health, and why children’s developing bodies are uniquely vulnerable,” says Patricia Wood, Executive Director of non-profit Grassroots Environmental Education which designed the program. Ms. Wood is the recipient of the EPA’s National Children’s Environmental Health Excellence Award and a Visiting Scholar at Adelphi University. “This program promotes wired access to the internet, which is faster, more reliable and secure, and comes with none of the potential problems associated with wireless technologies.”

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“Accumulated peer-reviewed scientific evidence clearly confirms that current government standards are inadequate to protect our children – and the rest of us,” says Dr. Devra Lee Davis, founder and President of Environmental Health Trust (, which helped to provide scientific studies for the TechSafeSchools website. “Wireless microwave radiation can damage basic biological processes, and the push to increase wireless exposures in schools constitutes a massive uncontrolled experiment with our children as the subjects.”

“A substantial body of evidence builds a prima facie legal case for heightened vigilance and fiduciary responsibility on the part of school administrators, school boards and parents,” says Julian Gresser, twice Visiting Mitsubishi Professor at Harvard Law School who is leading the TechSafe Schools legal team. “Our goal is to chart a clear path of collaboration among all parties to create a ’21st Century Resilient Classroom,’ where students and teachers have access to the best and fastest technology available, but without jeopardizing their health and well being.”

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Three national informational webinars, open to both school officials and members of the press, are part of the TechSafe School project; on March 9th, a team of attorneys will present legal information and answer questions; on March 11th, a medical and scientific panel will present the latest information on the links between exposure to wireless radiation and human health; and on March 16th, an expert on radio-frequency mitigation will answer technical questions about mitigation techniques. The webinars are open to school officials and members of the press. Reservations and more information at

About Grassroots 

Grassroots Environmental Education is an award-winning non-profit organization with a focus on environmental toxins and exposures and their impact on human health, especially children. More information at the organization’s website, 

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