In a reply dated September 1, 2023 to a question from Polish MEP Beata Mazurek, the European Commissioner for the Internal Market, Thierry Breton, confirmed the European Commission’s position that it is the exclusive responsibility of member states and their surveillance authorities to declare non-compliant cell phones and remove them from the EU market.

In fact, Thierry Breton stated that:

« The Phonegate Alert’s allegations, as well as the 2016 study[1] carried out by the French agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health and Safety (ANSES), are a matter of concern. Indeed, mobile phones which do not comply with the Radio Equipment Directive (RED)[2] shall not be placed on the EU market. »

And to add :

« Notifying measures taken against dangerous products in European Rapid Alert system for dangerous products (RAPEX/Safety Gate system) is the responsibility of the market surveillance enforcement authorities which is, again, a competence of the Member States. »

The European Commission recognizes our Alert

This response from European Commissioner Thierry Breton confirms the action taken by our NGO Phonegate Alert and our partner Europeans for Safe Connexions (ESC).

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In fact, our NGO has just served formal notice on the Agence nationale des fréquences (ANFR) to provide the European authorities with information on 42 models of cell phones that it has declared non-compliant between 2018 and the present day, and which are still available on the European Union market.

For Dr. Marc Arazi, who co-founded the NGO Phonegate Alert in 2018:

The European Commission’s response is a recognition for the work accomplished by our NGO. Yet we will only be truly satisfied when a transparent European policy is put in place to effectively protect the health of the hundreds of millions of users of cell phones, tablets, smartwatches, toys and other connected objects. We look forward to an early meeting with Thierry Breton to discuss particular ways of action.»

On the same subject :

Phonegate Alert Ready to Take Legal Action against ANFR’s Failings
