“In those 16 months I learned that the City of Toledo Public Utilities answers to no one, I went to lawyers, the press, no one would take them on,” Allan said. “They had me to basically ‘get this meter installed or we are going to hold this water to your family, which is a basic human right, hostage.” 

From The Heartland Beat
May 29, 2024

The Smart Meter Rollout Continues: Who is for You?

TOLEDO – Greg Allan is a family man, the kind that comes from a long line of hard workers birthed in the American Dream. A dream that told us all that if we worked hard enough and followed the rules we would always be able to take care of the ones we love. A dream that said in ‘the land of the free,’ only your will determines your outcome. But not long ago Allan received a notification from the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio informing him he would need to replace his water meter with the controversial new “Smart Meter” which turned his perception of the world upside down.

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“Back in November of 2022 I received the little door hanger that they are replacing the analog meters with the Smart Meters,” Allan said. “I knew a little bit about it but my water meter is inside the house.” 

Allan was familiar with some of the suspected deleterious health effects of the meters and took action. First, by contacting the company immediately responsible, Johnson Controls. Johnson Controls is a publicly traded company whose largest shareholders are the usual suspects in pushing the migration towards The Great Reset, including The Vanguard Group and Black Rock. Their website boasts of their main initiatives being to convert cities into new Smart Grid technologies. 

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After speaking with the company in a pursuit to opt out of the change, Allan was informed he would need to reach out to his local municipality who then referred him to Public Utilities Commission of Ohio, or PUCO and the City of Toledo Water Utility. While his local municipality accepted no responsibility for the situation, PUCO and the Toledo Water Utility essentially informed Allan that if he refused to allow workers into his house to upgrade the meter, his water would be shut off….

For the rest of the article:

