They’re supposed to improve fitness and health, but here’s a case where a wearable fitness device actually worsened the wearer’s health.

In 2014 a lady from Queensland bought a fitness armband with wireless function, designed to track the number of steps she took each day, and wore it continually, only taking it off once a week to charge it.

Soon after, she developed serious problems. She experienced enormous fluctuations in blood pressure, dizziness, severe depression, mood swings, irregular periods, sore muscles and ‘unbelievable’ fatigue.

Her health problems were so serious that she was unable to function properly, drive her car or cope at work or with family responsibilities. She lost her job – and nearly lost her marriage.

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Her doctor gave her monthly blood tests which showed fluctuations in white blood cell counts and sent her to see various specialists – none of whom could find anything wrong with her.

A year later, the woman upgraded the device – and her symptoms worsened. At one point, she collapsed in the shower.

After a year of ill-health, massive medical expenses and emotional distress, she was advised by an acupuncturist to take off the device.

Almost immediately her symptoms disappeared.

This woman isn’t the only one to have experienced symptoms like these after wearing a device. Her doctor said a patient, who wore an identical device, had almost identical symptoms.

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Wireless radiation, such as emitted by the fitness tracker, has been linked with a range of unpleasant symptoms, including sleep problems, heart palpitations, headaches, pain, nausea, blood pressure problems, fatigue, concentration and memory problems, which you can see here.

We wonder whether other users of these devices experience any of these symptoms.

Please let us know your experiences. Contact us.

About The Author – Lyn McLean is a consumer advocate, author and educator and has been monitoring and writing on the subject of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for over 20 years. She is the director of EMR Australia.

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