February 6, 2023

TODAY and tomorrow Michael Mansfield QC will be leading a team of barristers in a judicial review hearing contesting the manner in which 5G technology is being introduced throughout the UK. They will be questioning:

1.    The failure to provide adequate or effective information to the public about the risks of 5G, and how it might be possible for individuals to avoid or minimise such risks;

2.    The failure to provide adequate and sufficient reasons for not establishing a process to investigate and establish possible risks to health;

3.    The failure to consider evidence which points to adverse effects on health;

MORE INFO HERE  New Jersey Assemblyman Calling for State Commission on 5G Health Effects

4.    The failure to meet the standards of transparency and openness required of a public body.

It will be interesting to see what kind of excuses are dished up to justify these glaring failures.

I was alerted to the dangers of electromagnetic fields (EMFs) when a close relative who had been enthusiastically immersing himself for some time in the latest WiFi technology developed disturbing symptoms including headaches and severe insomnia. After wireless was replaced with cables in his home and working environments, and he adopted a more judicious approach to the temptations of the all-singing, all-dancing mobile phone, the symptoms disappeared, though he continues to react adversely to public places liberally doused in WiFi, or private gatherings alive with ‘smart’ technology.

MORE INFO HERE  Reflex Study Finds Genotoxic Effects 2004

