From Microwave News:

Non-Thermal Effects Hang in the Balance
Repacholi’s Legacy of Industry Cronyism


After eight years of work, the World Health Organization (WHO) is reopening its review of the health effects of RF radiation for a summary report intended to serve as a benchmark for its more than 150 member countries. The move might suggest that the WHO EMF/RF program is poised to reassess its long-held policy of rejecting non-thermal effects, and to loosen its deep ties to ICNIRP, the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation with its heat-only dogma.
The reputation of both organizations has never recovered from the rampant industry cronyism of Mike Repacholi, who created them in the 1990s. A close look at the WHO radiation program and its approach to this new review show that not much has changed in Geneva. In other words: Don’t count ICNIRP out just yet.

MORE INFO HERE  Safe Technology, Science and Policy on Health Effects of Cell Phone Radiation: 2021

Read the full article here.


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