On Wednesday January 20, 2021 from 6 to 8 pm, via Facebook live, you can meet the guests of the Brussels MP, Véronique Lefrancq, to talk about the theme: “5G: what impact on health?”. Dr Marc Arazi will represent our organisation and will debate on this occasion the health consequences of the Phonegate industrial scandal.

The link to follow the FB live https://www.facebook.com/events/330389028126797

Presentation of the webinar on the Facebook page of the event :

5G raises legitimate questions in the minds of everyone. After the first two webinars on the environmental impact of 5G and the repercussions in terms of jobs, Véronique Lefrancq, cdH deputy at the Brussels Parliament, is organising a third and final debate on the health impact of 5G.

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Four keynote speakers will present their views before a debate during this virtual colloquium :
* Olivier Merckel, expert and head of the physical agents risk assessment unit at the National Agency for Food, Environmental and Occupational Health Safety (Anses);
* Joe Wiart, professor at Télécom Paris (École nationale supérieure des télécommunications (ENST) – Institut polytechnique de Paris) and head of the Chair in Modelling, Characterisation and Control of Exposure to Electromagnetic Waves;
* Emmanuelle Duquenne, Business Group Leader Telecom at Agoria, the Belgian federation of the technological industry;
* Marc Arazi, doctor, President of the Phone Gate Alert organisation and author of several books on exposure to telephone waves.
> On the programme <
The Webinar will be available on Facebook Live on Wednesday, January 20 from 6:00 pm to 8:00 pm.
6pm-7pm: presentation by each speaker.
7pm-8pm: debate between the 4 speakers, based on your questions and comments on the live webinar.

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This approach is in line with the objective of transparency and a more participatory democracy.
The question of health and 5G requires an objective and detailed explanation according to Véronique Lefrancq. It is therefore in a constructive spirit that the Brussels cdH wishes to contribute to the debate on 5G at this level.
