
BERMUDA  Temporary Moratorium On 5G Deployment – Ber News, 24th August 2020

“The Regulatory Authority of Bermuda said they will “mandate a temporary moratorium on the deployment of 5G” pending the completion of a study and the issuance of a final determination.

A spokesperson said, “In acknowledgement of the various concerns raised about the deployment of 5G mobile technology [5G], the RA will mandate a temporary moratorium on the deployment of 5G for all ICOL & COL holders, [existing and new licencees], pending the completion of a Radio Frequency Study [RF Study] and the issuance of a final determination.”

News from

Royal Gazette, December 2019 “Researcher warns 5G may be bad for health”

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Watch Dr. Heroux speak on Bermuda TV Here. 

“A Canadian toxicology researcher is urging the island to hang up on any plans to start a 5G cellular network.

Advocates of 5G, which has been called the network of the “near future”, have promised everything from quicker downloads to greater network reliability. Paul Heroux, McGill University associate professor of medicine, is not impressed.

“My worry is that we are impairing the health of huge populations by increasing exposure to electromagnetic radiation,” Dr Heroux told The Royal Gazette.

“What is particular about the laboratory research I do is that it compares current exposures to the exposures that existed in the environment before power and telecommunications systems were deployed, over the last 100 years,” he said.

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His research suggests that electromagnetic energy from power lines and cellular telephone systems produces a slow damage to living materials, which can result in, or amplify, chronic diseases.” Full article  at

Share Source: Environmental Health Trust