
2018 Law on Limits includes “critical areas” and monitoring. Compliance information to be publicly posted. 

  • “The new Brazilian regulation on limits of human exposure to electromagnetic fields for frequencies between 8,3 kHz and 300 GHz was approved in October 2018, is aligned with the Federal Law nr.11,934, and establish obligations to Anatel and Operators. 
  • There is the concept of critical area, which is the 50-meters-radius region close by hospitals, clinics, schools, day care centers and homes for old people. ANATEL or a specialized organization designated by ANATEL will have to assess the compliance to EMF exposure by the radiocommunication stations installed in these areas not later than 60 days after the issue of the station license. A significant statistical sample of these new stations is allowed, in order to accomplish the regulation. 
  • The Law determines that EMF exposure evaluation will have to be done in all radiocommunication stations in maximum 5 years intervals. Additionally, all mobile phones specific absorption rate (SAR) and all characteristics of radiocommunication stations necessary to evaluate the EMF exposure will be published in the Internet.” 

“Anatel will publish a radiofrequency electromagnetic field level map, in order to show the population that NIR levels are being monitored and are under control.” 2019 WHO EMF Project Update)

 Separation distance for RF Measurements and SAR 

  • In 2013 Brazil minimum labeling guidelines were updated to ensure the separation distance was stated in the manuals.   
  • All labeling must be visible and readable to naked eye. 
  • For all products tested for SAR, the following statement must be present: “Este produto está homologado pela Anatel, de acordo com os procedimentos regulamentados pela Resolução nº 242/2000 e atende aos requisitos técnicos aplicados, incluindo os limites de exposição da Taxa de Absorção Específica referente a campos elétricos, magnéticos e eletromagnéticos de radiofreqüência, de acordo com as Resoluçãos nº 303/2002 e 533/2009. Este dispositivo está em conformidade com as diretrizes de exposição à radiofreqüência quando posicionado a pelo menos X centímetro de distância do corpo. Para maiores informações, consulte o site da ANATEL –”  (Google translated- This product is approved by Anatel in accordance with the procedures regulated by Resolution No. 242/2000 and meets the technical requirements applied, including the exposure limits of the Specific Absorption Rate for electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields of radio frequency, in accordance with Resolutions 303/2002 and 533/2009. This device complies with the radio frequency exposure guidelines when positioned at least X centimeters away from the body. For more information, see the ANATEL website) Red text: X is the tested SAR distance, if not 0 cm. If SAR testing is undertaken at 0cm, this sentence is not required.
  • Source: 2013 Regulatory update
MORE INFO HERE  Dr. Martin Pall: “Putting in tens of millions of 5G antennae without a single biological test of safety has got to be about the stupidest idea anyone has had in the history of the world.”

Publicly available Specific Absorption Ratio  Levels 

The Anatel webpage also has the Specific Absorption Ratio (SAR) of all mobile phones certificated in

Brazil. Brazil proposes that the availability of an interactive map with measurements results and

theoretical calculations is a good option for ensuring the provision of relevant and accurate information to

the public.

2014 WHO Update features the Monit EM

“A permanent monitoring system that allows on-going scrutiny of the emission levels of any source of electromagnetic radiation (mobile telephone antennas, WiFi, high-voltage power lines, etc.) and verification that they meet the safety standards established by the competent authorities and regulations in each country. The measurements taken can be published via the Internet to the different stakeholder communities. There are other important characteristic:  Continuous Monitoring of electromagnetic fields in specific locations: cities, schools, hospitals, etc. (24/365).”

MORE INFO HERE  5G template Letter of objection to representatives

Brazil Ministry of Health