Do you have pets at home? Many households have dogs, cats, and even rabbits. Whereas the dogs and cats generally roam around, the rabbits are usually kept in either an indoor or outdoor cage. This article is specifically about keeping your rabbits healthy, and making sure that their cages are located very far away from any Wi-Fi transmitters or wireless devices like cellphones, iPads, routers and utility “smart” meters at your home. The same precautions would apply to all caged pets.

Medical research scientists throughout the world have been saying for the past three decades that microwave radiation, even at very low levels, has direct and almost immediate effects on the human central nervous system. These frequencies are transmitted from the multitude of wireless devices which surround us and which we use in daily life.


In September 2015, an important study was published in the Journal of Environmental Toxicology and Pharmacology[1]:

The researchers confirmed that exposing rabbits to the signals from Wi-Fi routers had the following effects on the rabbits:

It increased their heart rates and blood pressure when the routers were placed close to the rabbits. It also affected the way that the biological signals in their body were able to control their rapidly beating hearts.

If you know animals and specifically rabbits, you’ll be aware that they are usually either very still, or else running and jumping. The effect of the Wi-Fi on the rabbits effectively put them in a long-term ‘fight or flight’ mode and was a great strain on their hearts. It gave them tachycardia and hypertension.

MORE INFO HERE  5G: An Outraged Grandfather’s Letter to His Grandson

Many researchers are saying the same thing from their studies about the effects on children.

If you are interested in learning the best safety principles for using wireless technology with lower risks around your home and family, there is a condensed training course which our non-profit charity has produced, working with the best scientists in the world who specialize in environmental health. It takes about 40 minutes to complete, costs less than a movie ticket, and you will receive a certificate and handy tip sheet at the end. It covers critical elements of the research and the very best safety protocols.

You can take the course at:

MORE INFO HERE  5th Paris Appeal Congress Royal Academy of Medicine, Belgium 2015

The Wireless Education Team

[1] Linda Saili, et al, “Effects of acute exposure to WIFI signals (2.45 GHz) on heart variability and blood pressure in Albinos rabbit,” Environmental Toxicology and PharmacologyVolume 40, Issue 2 (September 2015): 600–605.