
On 10 June, the Parliament of South Tyrol voted in favour of precautions to protect people’s health. These included replacing public wireless networks with those that emit less radiation; educating the public about the possible risks of wireless technology and establishing a working group to identify safer and sustainable technology options. (http:// -south-tyrol-applying-the-precautionary- principle/)

Smart meters

The US City of Naperville is to pay compensation to a resident following a lawsuit involving the installation of smart meters. Malia Bendis, founder of Naperville Smart Meter Awareness, was arrested by Naperville Police two years ago for protesting the installation of a smart meter. Ms Bendis’s claim that her arrest violated her constitutional rights was upheld in a federal court, as a result of which Naperville City Council will pay her US $117,500 in compensation. (Naperville Sun, 15.09.15.)

MORE INFO HERE  COSMOS: A methodologically-flawed cohort study of the health effects from exposure to radiofrequency radiation from mobile phone use

Computers in the classroom

The use of technology in schools is not necessarily improving academic performance, according to an OECD report published on 15 September. The report, ‘Students, Computers and Learning: Making The Connection’, found that moderate computer use at school slightly improved student performance, but that frequent computer use produced much worse results. (‘Students, Computers and Learning: Making the Connection, Andreas Schleicher, (Director, OECD Directorate for Education and Skills), OECD Education.)

ENA report

Australia’s Energetic Networks Association (ENA) is developing a handbook that deals with the fields from electrical sources and possible mitigation strategies. A draft of the ‘ENA EMF Handbook’ was open to public comment till October 30. (

MORE INFO HERE  5G Sefton – Complaint submitted by Eileen O’Connor to Sefton Council

About The Author – Lyn McLean is a consumer advocate, author and educator and has been monitoring and writing on the subject of electromagnetic radiation (EMR) for over 20 years. She is the director of EMR Australia.

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