
The International Commission on the Biological Effects of Electromagnetic Fields (ICBE-EMF) has written to Italian government officials to support the country’s strict 6 V/m wireless radiation RF exposure limit.

“In 2023, ICBE-EME published a paper titled “Scientific Evidence Invalidates Health Assumptions Underlying FCC and ICNIRP Exposure Limit Determinations for Radiofrequency Radiation: Implications for 5G,”ii We are reporting that the current exposure limits set by ICNIRP and FCC are based on invalid assumptions and continue to present harm to public health. Long-term adverse effects observed at exposures below the assumed SAR (Specific Absorption Rate) range include nonthermal induction of reactive oxygen species, DNA damage, cardiomyopathy, carcinogenicity, sperm damage, and neurological effects, including electromagnetic sensitivity and microwave syndrome. In addition, multiple human studies have found statistically significant associations between RFR exposure and increased brain and thyroid cancer risk. ICBE-EMF recognizes these associations and is calling for greater health protection. We have also proposed engineering solutions that the industry can easily adopt to make use of the mobile phone safe.”

“As the industry pushes the expansion of wireless exposures into its 5th generation, only a few studies on the biological and health effects of the frequencies and pulsations used by these new systems have been performed. The experience we have from previous generations (1G-4G) indicates that the current exposure limits that were established approximately 25 years ago were based on a behavioral effect in experimental animals that was observed after short-term exposures (up to one hour). Long-term effects of electromagnetic radiation that are of public health concern have been ignored by ICNIRP in their guidelines for limiting RFR exposures. Increasing exposure limits from current limits that were approved over two decades ago puts the shortterm commercial interests of wireless companies above the health and well-being of people and all of nature in Italy.”

“…the current exposure limits encouraged by the World Health Organization and IGNIRP, which are being “harmonized” by Germany and many other national governments around the world, are based on false assumptions of safety. They do not adequately protect workers, children, hypersensitive individuals, and the general population from short-term or long-term RFR exposures.”

Read the letter from ICBE here. 

MORE INFO HERE  The U.S. Department of Labor’s Office of Disability Employment Policy Includes Accommodations of Electromagnetic Sensitivity

“Italy is one of numerous countries with a limit for cell tower and wireless RF radiation environmental exposures at levels much more stringent than the US.  The USA allows RF radiation exposures much higher than these countries. The Italian limit should be protected from the intense corporate pressure. ” stated Theodora Scarato of Environmental Health Trust. 

Scarato presented on the different international regulations at the American Public Health Association (APHA) conference and how some countries have banned the sale of cell phones designed for children and removed Wi-Fi from young children’s classrooms. ( PDF of the APHA poster. See also her slides from her APHA talk on the case to mitigate Wi-Fi radiation.) She also presented a scientific poster on children, cell phone radiation, law and policy at the Digital Media and Developing Minds 2023 Congress held in Washington DC with the Children and Screens: Institute of Digital Media and Child Development.

MORE INFO HERE  US Federal Agency: Scientists Reduce Cell Phone Radiation

Last year a scientists’ appeal was issued to keep the Italian limit.

“Radiofrequency has been associated with several health problems including:

  • cancer (RF was classified by IARC as a “possibly carcinogenic for Man” in 2011, but subsequent studies concluded that radiofrequency falls within the parameters of Class 2A,1 that is to  say “probable carcinogen”, and of Class 1 that is to say “certain carcinogen”);
  • neurodegenerative diseases, such as Alzheimer’s;
  • male and female infertility;
  • increased oxidative stress (related to many chronic diseases);
  • neurobehavioral changes in children born to mothers who used the mobile phone in pregnancy;
  • immune dysfunction;
  • alterations of insulin metabolism;
  • increased cerebral permeability and alterations of cerebral metabolism
Share Source: Environmental Health Trust