This morning, a mainstream European digital-media news site twice warned Digital Survivor not to “launch alarms” over health concerns involving the rollout of 5G technology.

The news site, Comunicare Digitale, was posting video clips onto its Twitter feed from the European Union 5G Conference being held in Brussels today.

In one such clip, the issue of health concerns relating to 5G were discussed from the podium. It mentioned “international standards” without addressing any of the wider concerns millions are currently waking up to right across the world about 5G’s potentially adverse effects on human health.

A quote-retweet on Digital Survivor’s own modest @digivivor Twitter page (see illustration above) described the video clip as consisting of “deflection, disinformation and whitewash over the health risks of 5G and EMF technology”. (A tad harsh perhaps but hardly inaccurate.)

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Comunicare Digitale replied very shortly after the retweet saying Digital Survivor had been brought to the attention of the conference – where it was admitted that 5G health worries cannot be answered as “the 5G network is not up and run (sic)” (confirming that no public health tests have been carried out before 5G is piloted and rolled out).

Look at the illustration immediately below (click to enlarge) to see the full exchange, which includes two separate requests not to “launch alarms” – almost as if Digital Survivor were the only web presence doing so.

United Nations tagged into the thread

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Note that @ITU, the International Telecommunication Union “committed to connecting the world”, was tagged into the Twitter exchange

ITU is an official United Nations agency.
