
An ICBE-EMF Sponsored Webinar Program
ICBE-EMF-Sponsored Workshop at the Royal Society of Medicine in London



Wednesday June 14 from 2:00 pm (14:00) to 5:30pm (17:30), London, England. (Time zone converter)

The in-person event is by invitation only due to limited space availability.

Virtual attendance is possible via online weblink

Register at

Summary of program:

ICBE-EMF’s primary objective is to make recommendations to ensure protection of humans and other species from harmful effects of non-ionizing radiation (NIR).

Our contributions to the scientific literature on biological effects and health risks from exposures to radiofrequency radiation (RFR) included several recommendations for reducing exposures by agencies that set exposure limits to RFR, by manufacturers of wireless devices, and by users of those devices.

During the past year ICBE-EMF developed and published two papers in open-access, peer-reviewed journals that both address the inadequacy of current exposure limits to RFR and provide recommendations for reducing human exposures:

This webinar will give decision-makers, interested parties and the public the opportunity to hear from scientific and policy experts in the field of bio-electromagnetics. They will present and discuss these two papers and the scientific basis for their recommendations in light of widespread and increasing exposures of people and wildlife to RFR.

MORE INFO HERE  Connecticut House Bill 5107 Proposed on Small Cell Siting And Smart Meter Opt-in

Participants will also learn about the 15 recommendations of the  “Final Report of the Commission to Study the Environmental and Health Effects of Evolving 5G Technology” (2020), from the first U.S. State to comprehensively investigate 5G.

Recognizing that there is increasing exposure of people to RFR, especially for the most vulnerable groups, such as children, elderly and the immuno-compromised, the speakers will present public policy and technical solutions, aimed at raising awareness and taking action to ensure that exposures to wireless radiation is biologically safer.

The in-person event is by invitation only due to limited space availability.

Register at

In addition, video recordings of the event will be made available soon after the workshop at:

ICBE-EMF’s webinars are offered at no charge.

We are a membership organization composed of independent scientists who have published peer-reviewed papers in professional journals on the biological and health effects of non-ionizing radiation. ICBE-EMF is a sponsored project of the Electromagnetic Safety Alliance, Inc. (ESA), a United States nonprofit corporation. The main office of ICBE-EMF and ESA is in Arizona and has representation in a European nation.

MORE INFO HERE  5G Protests Worldwide

PROGRAM (download program PDF)

2:00 – 2:15
Welcome and Introductions
“Wireless radiation: an emerging hazard, 1972-2023”

David Gee, Workshop Coordinator and Chair
Visiting Fellow Brunel University, Emeritus Fellow Collegium Ramazzini
ICBE-EMF, Special Expert

2:15 – 2:45
Health effects of NIR: Vulnerable groups and the crucial role of medical doctors”

Dr Erica Mallery-Blythe, BMBS
Physicians’ Health Initiative for Radiation and Environment, Director
ICBE-EMF, Special Expert

2:45 – 2:55
Q & A

2:55 – 3:35
“Towards the better protection of people and planet from wireless radiation: Work of the New Hampshire Commission and the ICBE-EMF”

Kent Chamberlin, PhD
University of New Hampshire, Professor Emeritus, Electrical & Computer Engineering
New Hampshire Commission on Environmental and Health Effects of 5G
ICBE-EMF, Commissioner

3:35 – 3:50
Q & A

MORE INFO HERE  Protesters Against 5G Block Wireless Store in Protest

3:50 – 4:10
“A critique of RF exposure limits and recommendations for the better protection of workers and the public”

James Lin, PhD
Zooming from University of Illinois, Chicago.  Professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering; Editor-in-Chief (2006-2022) of Bioelectromagnetics

4:10 – 4:20
Q & A

4:20 – 4:30
Reflections and key questions

John Frank, MD MSc
Zooming from University of Edinburgh, Professor Emeritus, Population Health Sciences
ICBE-EMF, Special Expert

4:30 – 5:25
Questions & Discussion

Moderator David Gee

5:25 – 5:30
Conclusions & Next Steps

David Gee 


Share Source: Environmental Health Trust