Following up on the last message “Incorrect information about wireless phones and the risk for brain tumours…” about an article written by Emma Frans in the Swedish paper Svenska Dagbladet, I received further information below from the Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation.

According to the Wikipedia entry for Dr. Emma Frans, among other things, she is a science communicator who “examines the correctness and scientific accuracy of sensational news and popular science articles”. She has also been referred to as a “mythbuster” and  “science evangelist”. After checking out her qualifications I think Rodney Croft should invite her to be an associate at ACEBR. After all, with her spin on science, she would be right at home with those folks…….



From Swedish Radiation Protection Foundation.

December 17, 2018 (Google translation)

Svenska Dagbladet and Emma Frans trick readers into risks with mobile radiation

In an article in the Svenska Dagbladet entitled “Can our mobiles cause cancer”, the “School of Science” writer Emma Frans clearly makes false statements about the scientific knowledge of mobile phone radiation and cancer risks. Svenska Dagbladet’s readers were grounded about what the research showed. The so-called science school seems to lack science. In the article published on a full page in Svenska Dagbladet on Saturday, November 17, 2018, Emma Frans claimed, among other things, that studies on humans “do not seem to support a link between mobile use and cancer” and “indicates that there is no connection between mobile use and cancer” . In addition, it was alleged that the NTP study, which was finalized during the year, would have given “certain evidence that radiation from certain types of mobile phones could increase the risk of tumor development”.

The conclusions are not correct. An expert panel hired by NTP to review and assess the results of 13 experts has found that the NTP study provided “clear evidence” for cancer development. This was an accurate and very expensive (+ 200 million) animal study that the Radiation Protection Foundation described earlier. In addition to “clear evidence” for cancer, the study also showed evidence of DNA damage and heart muscle disease, something that Emma Frans also failed to report.

Research in recent years has consistently shown that mobile use increases the risk of brain tumor. Below are most of the list. Consistently seen in the most exposed groups, increased risks. Four meta-analyzes reveal that the research together shows increased risk of cancer. Therefore, an increasing number of researchers demand that mobile radiation be regarded as “cancerous for human” in the highest cancer class. As an example, a group of American and Canadian experts in the field drew this conclusion in an article published in the scientific journal Environmental Research, November 2018. They believe that the NTP study, along with recent years of brain tumor studies among mobile phone users, strengthens and supports the conclusion that mobile radiation causes cancer.

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But Emma Frans sits down on this science (see also the list below) and claims the opposite is that the research “does not seem to support” that mobile use increases the risk of cancer. Emma Frans does not state how she came up with this, ie does not report source list. Emma Frans also claims that it would be “difficult to study how people are affected by mobile phones”. Why then do we wonder? Why would it be more difficult than other factors in our environment and lifestyle factors? How has Emma Frans come to the conclusion that it is “difficult”?

The Radiation Protection Foundation has for several weeks sought to get in touch with the award-winning (major journalist prize) science writer who is also reported to be active at Karolinska Institutet. Despite repeated contact attempts both through Svenska Dagbladet’s editorial staff, Karolinska Institutet and Emma Frans Twittersida, we have not received any answers to the question of which material Emma Frans has gone through to come to such incorrect conclusions. Unfortunately, she misrepresents Svenska Dagbladet’s readers about serious today known, and according to many scientists, clear health risks.

We hope that Svenska Dagbladet can at least admit that researchers working in the field and who do not have conflicts of interest in the form of bindings to the telecom industry report the opposite.

Evidence: Mobile radiation causes cancer Fact Sheet (pdf)

2018: Mobile radiation should be classified as Group 1, human carcinogen. Miller et al.2018

2018: Increased risk of brain tumor. New meta-analysis arrives at the same thing as previous analyzes: the overall research shows that use of a mobile phone for a longer time increases the risk of brain tumor. Wang et al. 2018

2017: Increased risk of brain tumor. Survey from Canada shows increased risk of brain tumor of mobile use. For those who used the mobile over a total of 558 hours, the risk was doubled. Mormoli et al. 2017

2017: Increased risk of brain tumor. Analysis of total available research shows that mobile use increases the risk of brain tumor. Prasad et al. 2017

2017: Increased risk of brain tumor. Analysis of total available research shows that mobile use increases the risk of brain tumor. Bortkiewicz et al. 2017

2017: Criteria for cancer relationship met. Results from available scientific research clarify the relationship between mobile use and cancer and meet the criteria required for connection to be determined. Conclusion: Radio frequency radiation should be considered as carcinogenic to humans. Carlberg et Hardell 2017

2016: Cancer in animal experiments. The largest animal study ever on the effects of mobile radiation shows increased incidence of brain tumor among exposed animals. The results thus confirm the results that show that mobile radiation causes brain tumor among mobile phone users. NTP 2016.

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2015: Cancer mechanism. Analysis shows that 93 out of 100 studies show that mobile radiation / radio frequency radiation causes oxidative stress in cells. According to the researchers, they are “convincingly proven”. Oxidative stress is a recognized mechanism of cancer and many other diseases. Yakymenko et al. 2015

2015: Cancer in animal experiments. 3G radiation promotes cancer in animal experiments at levels far below current limit values ​​/ reference values ​​from the Radiation Safety Authority and ICNIRP. Confirms previous research. Lerchl et al. 2015

2014: Cancer mechanism. Damage to cell DNA after exposure to radio frequency radiation has been reported in 74 of a total of 114 studies (65%). BioInitative Working Group

2014: Increased risk of brain tumor. Four times increased risk of brain tumor for those who used the cellphone for 30 minutes a day for a long time. The more the mobile was used, the higher the risk that began to increase already after a total of about 900 hours. Coureau et al. 2014.

2013: Increased risk of brain tumor. Surveys from Örebro University Hospital repeatedly show that those who used the mobile phone run the highest risk for brain tumors. The risk is greatest for those who started using the cellphone during their teens (400-700% increase). The Örebro research group is the only one that has examined long-term use for more than 25 years. The results show that the more and the longer the mobile phone is used, the more the risk increases. The use of a mobile phone or cordless telephone for a total of more than 2376 hours involves similar increased risks (between 2.5 – 7.7 times the increased risk), but the risk is already increasing at a total use of about 1000 hours. An analysis shows that the use of 3G phones increases the risk of brain tumor the more hours and the more years the mobile phone is used. Hardell et al. , 2013.

2010, 2011: Increased risk of brain tumor. International WHO study (Interphone) shows increased risk of glioma. The survey was initiated in 1999 and is based on interviews with brain tumors until 2004 from 13 countries. The use of the mobile for a total of 1640 hours or more, corresponding to 30 minutes a day for years or little over an hour a day for four years, increased the risk by 40% -380%. The risk was also increased in an analysis of tumors in the most exposed area in the head (temporal lobe) and at the side that the mobile was used. The investigation has nevertheless underestimated the risks. Among other things, wireless telephone users have been regarded as unexposed even though they are exposed to similar radiation as mobile phone users. In addition, the study excluded people about the age of 59 who suffered from brain tumors even though that group contains many early major users. Interphone 2010; Cardis et al. 2011

MORE INFO HERE  PAPER: The 5G-FR1 Signals: Beams of the Phased Antennas Array and Time-Recurrence of Emissions with Consequences on Human Exposure (open access)

2012: Impaired survival among brain tumor patients who continue to use the mobile. Survey from Örebro University Hospital also shows that those who have had a brain tumor have impaired survival possibilities if they continue to use a mobile phone or wireless phone after the diagnosis. Hardell et al. 2012

2011: Increased risk for brain tumor, children and adolescents. Increased risk (+ 115%) for brain tumor for those children / adolescents who have had mobile subscriptions for the longest time. The study generally underestimates the risk when only the first three years of use of wireless telephone have been investigated and this exposure has not been added to the use of mobile phones. Aydin et al. 2011

2011: Risk of hearing nerve tumor. International WHO study Interphone from 13 countries shows 180% increased risk of hearing nerve tumors for those with the longest latency and greatest use. Interphone 2011

2013: Increased risk of hearing nerve tumor. The risk is more than doubled already for the person using a mobile phone for a total of more than 512 hours. This corresponds to a use of an average of just under 10 minutes a day every day for ten years. For those who started using the mobile or wireless phone more than 20 years ago, the risk of tumor on the ear’s nerve increases by over 300%. Hardell et al. 2013

2013: Increased risk of hearing nerve tumor. Increased risk (+ 46%) for those who used the cellphone most in this survey, which involves use for more than 680 hours, and 67% increased risk for those who used wireless phone for more than 900 hours. Pettersson et al. 2014

2011: Risk of hearing nerve tumor. The use of mobile phones more than 20 minutes a day increases the risk. Sato et al. 2011

2011: Risk of cancer on the ear gland. Increased risk of cancer on the earpiece gland for those who used the mobile most. Duan et al. 2011


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