Increasing numbers of people are reporting experiencing additional symptoms while suffering from the coronavirus. These include physical and mental fatigue, loss of sense of smell and a lack of appetite.

Let’s do a little spot the difference, work out, which bunch of symptoms are from RF, EMF and WIFI exposure and which ones are coronavirus symptoms:

Symptoms group 1:

  1. Fizzing sensations on skin
  2. Buzzing sensation that runs through the body
  3. Skin feeling like it was burning
  4. Electric feeling on the skin
  5. Tingly fingers
  6. Testicular pain
  7. Mental fatigue
  8. Lack of appetite and sore eyes

Symptoms group 2:

  1. Complaints of itchy and irritated wrists
  2. Feeling dizzy and woozy
  3. Headaches, concentration difficulties, restlessness, tremor, and sleep disruption
  4. Decreases in brain activity and cognitive functions
  5. Changes in cardiac function (tight chest) including altered heart rate, arrhythmia, and/or tachycardia
  6. Waking up very dizzy and nauseated
  7. Pulse rate is erratic
  8. Poor quality sleep

Without looking online, what’s your answer? Or is your answer they’re too similar to differenciate?

Now read the Symptoms group 2 again below:

This is what you get from the 4G on the top of LED streetlights or when you’re about 100 metres from a mobile phone mast: 0.5 to 1.0 mW m2 – Headaches, concentration difficulties, restlessness, tremor, and sleep disruption associated with chronic exposure to mobile phone base stations.
Source: Mobile Phone Base Stations – Effects on Wellbeing and Health, Kundi M and Hutter HP, Pathophysiology, 2009 Aug; 16(2-3):123-35.

This is what you get when you’re about 50cm away from an average smart phone when it’s on a call or if you’re about 10-20 metres from a mobile phone mast: 5 to 10 mW m2 – At this level it decreases human sperm motility, increases sperm DNA fragmentation, and affects brain activity and cognitive functions.
Source: Conrado Avendaño,, American Society for Reproductive Medicine, Fertility and Sterility, volume 97, Number 1, January 2012, pp 39-45

MORE INFO HERE  Cell tower permits denied for AT&T projects in Kurtistown, HPP – Hawaii Tribune-Herald

This is what you get when you’re within 5 metres of a mobile phone mast or if you’re using WIFI on your laptop, Bluetooth next to you, within 50 cm of a WIFI router or next to your phone when it’s one (bear in mind a mobile phone will spike maybe up to 100 mW/m2): Approaching 30 mW/m2 of RF changes in cardiac function, including altered heart rate, arrhythmia, and/or tachycardia were observed.
Source: Magda Havas, Reviews on Environmental Health, Volume 28 (November 2013), Issue 2-3, Pages 75–84

EMF, RF and WIFI is TOXIC TO CHILDREN: Childhood (and other) cancer clusters have been found after only one year of base stations being in operation, such as the widely publicised cluster in Valladolid, Spain (2000/2001) where 10 children in the vicinity of antennae developed different cancers within one year. Ambient power flux readings ranged from 0.66V/m to 3.96V/m inside the school attended by three of the children concerned, to 8.4 V/m (1.872 mW/m2) the roof of the school. The Leukaemia rate in this particular neighbourhood had risen from the Spanish average of 4 in 100000 to 1 in 100. Although anecdotal, this is a stark warning of what we may face if Vodaphone’s proposal is accepted.
Source: WiredChild – UK Charity

On February 24 2014, Fitbit recalled its activity tracker due to skin rashes. Complaints of itchy, irritated wrists have prompted Fitbit to voluntarily recall all of its Fitbit Force wristband activity trackers.

There have been other concerns and issues also reported about Fitbits.  Examples include:

  1. October 20, 2014, Fox News: Experts: Why wearable tech could pose health risks
  2. January 18, 2018, Natural News: There is no escape: New transmitter technology will charge your devices in your pocket, constantly bombarding you with EMFs   

Complaints and concerns have also been posted on the corporate Fitbit Community website:  

MORE INFO HERE  Mobile phone signal blackspots in North Yorkshire to take part in Government 5G trial | Yorkshire Post

January 6, 2016:  Has anyone experienced feeling dizzy and woozy wearing the Charge HR?”

Some wearers also reported adverse reactions.  Others reported no adverse reactions.  Here are excerpts:

  1. “I’m glad someone else has mentioned this.  We bought our fitbit this past Friday and I started wearing it on Saturday.  I am pregnant with my third (not very far along) and have been experiencing some morning sickness.  Today I have been in bed all day long due to morning sickness and dizziness, or so I thought.  I decided to take off my fitbit for a while and now I am able to get out of bed and do my normal things.”
  2. “I bought a fitbit charge HR 3 days ago. Fpr.2 days I woke up very dizzy and nauseated. I have never felt this way. I did not wear the fitbit yesterday and I feel fine. I have no health problems what so ever.“
  3. I bought a Fitbit Alta last week – mainly for the Qantas Frequent Flyer Points. The first day I wore it I felt quite dizzy by the afternoon and my pulse rate was very erratic. The only previous time I have felt like that was at 5000 metres at Everest Base Camp.  I am 77 but very fit (5 marathons, 100km cycling every week, yoga and other exercise.) I didn’t think the Fitbit could be causing that reaction but I googled “Fitbit side effects” and found plenty of posts.  I took the Fitbit off late afternoon and haven’t worn it since…

I personally know 2 men – both lean and physically fit – who have worn Fitbits and experienced adverse reactions:

  1. Joe is in his mid 30s. He had received physical therapy before and after having surgery to correct his carpal tunnel syndrome.  His wrists had fully recovered and felt great.  He started wearing a Fitbit and his wrist started hurting again.  He stopped wearing the Fitbt and his wrist no longer hurt.  He tried this a few times and concluded not to wear the Fitbit any more.
  2. Matt is in his early 50s. When he looks directly at the Fitbit for more than a few seconds, he gets a headache.
MORE INFO HERE  “Neurological Illness and...

NOW – Hand on your heart…

Declare to yourself that since the proliferation of 4G and 5G masts, WIFI literally everywhere and the pushing by the telecoms companies of the ultra-fast big smart phones over the past few years, that there isn’t possibly something else going on here? Please read the articles below for more information:

Declassified 5G Document Released Before Anti-5G Campaigners Were a Problem


Recent Research on WiFi Effects

[Press release] Nokia 3.1 finally pinned by ANFR and its SAR updated

Inflammatory Disease Epidemic: The Convergence Point of VIRUSES, EMF, GMOs, and Vaccines

99 Problems & 5G is 1… Actually Over 150 Studies into Dangerous Radio Frequency