The US Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuit heard oral arguments in a case brought forward by groups – including the Environmental Health Trust – against the US Federal Communications Commission (FCC) over standards it used to contend that there is no scientific evidence to establish a causal link between wireless device use and illness. According to a report, the case before the court does not ask a ruling to be made on whether 5G technology is safe. Rather, it asks whether the data the FCC used to support its position should be considered valid 24 years later. The FCC noted in a brief that it initiated an inquiry into its radiofrequency exposure limits in 2013 and concluded that they are safe and appropriate. It also stated that the US Food and Drug Administration recommended no changes to the limits.

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“Environmental Health Trust has worked for over a decade to protect the public from radiofrequency radiation, testified to Congress and published critical research on why children are more vulnerable,” said Devra Davis PhD, MPH, President and founder of Environmental Health Trust. “The FCC has ignored our extensive submissions to the FCC over the years which clearly document harm. As the legacy of lead, asbestos, and tobacco teaches us, this issue deserves the immediate attention of our federal government in order to protect our children’s healthy future.”

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The NRDC filed an amicus brief in the Petitioners’ case on the need for environmental review signed onto by Mayors and Councilmembers from Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, California and Hawaii. Telecom attorney Joe Sandri filed an Amicus Brief quoting Dr. Linda Birnbaum, former Director of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences of the National Institutes of Health and former Director of the National Toxicology Program (NTP), stating, “Overall, the NTP findings demonstrate the potential for RFR to cause cancer in humans.” The Building Biology Institute and Kleiber family filed Briefs on injuries sustained from exposures allowed by FCC exposure guidelines.”

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