The three top wireless safety stories in 2019 were …

1) widespread public opposition to the rollout of 5G;
2) revision of national and international radio frequency radiation exposure limits, and 
3) cell phones that exceed the safety limits.

5G Deployment
The fifth generation of cellphone technology, 5G, was
launched this year with fanfare and considerable
hype. Hundreds of scientists and medical doctors
opposed the rollout of this new technology due to the
absence of safety testing.
In addition to
microwaves, in many countries 5G for the first time will expose the population and environment to millimeter waves from cell antennas in their neighborhoods as well as a new generation of wireless devices.
For more information see:
Radio Frequency Radiation Exposure Limits Revised by the ICNIRP and the FCC
This year the International Commission for Non-Ionizing
Radiation Protection
and the Federal Communications Commission (
proposed revised safety limits for radio frequency radiation
(RFR) exposure that
or dismiss most of the research
published since the original
guidelines were adopted in the 1990’s. The revised exposure limits fail to regulate
low intensity RFR exposures that have been found to cause harm to humans and
other species in hundreds of peer-reviewed studies.
ICNIRP and the FCC have long-standing conflicts of interest
with the telecommunications industry. 
More than 240 scientists who have published over 2,000 papers and letters in professional journals on electromagnetic fields believe that national and international RFR exposure limits are inadequate to protect human health.
As part of a project called, “The 5G Mass Experiment,”
Investigate Europe, a team of investigative journalists from the European Union
(EU), examined the risks of deployment of 5G and the adequacy of
electromagnetic field (EMF) safety guidelines promoted by the International
Commission for Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP). 
The journalists
published sixteen articles about the ICNIRP “cartel” in newspapers and magazines in eight EU
countries including France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Norway, Poland, Portugal,
and the United Kingdom. The articles reported conflicts of interest among
members of the ICNIRP and efforts to bias national reviews of the
health effects of RFR.
For more information see:
Cell Phone Testing in the U.S. and
A year-long investigation by the Chicago Tribune
found that some popular cell phones purchased over-the-counter including the
iPhone 7 and iPhone 8 failed the FCC’s safety test when tested following the
manufacturers’ recommended separation distance from the body of 5-15
millimeters. Many phones failed the test when kept close to the body
resembling how most people use their phones. Following the publication of this
study, three legal firms filed a class action lawsuit against Apple and
In December, the FCC completed an investigation which found
that the phones it sampled passed the FCC safety test. However, the FCC used
different procedures than the Tribune. Most of the FCC’s phones were
provided by the manufacturers along with software and ancillary equipment for
testing. Moreover, the FCC did not test phones next to the body.
For more information see:
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